Bad Titans And Good Void Lords

There has been a pattern with the cosmic stuff heroes and villains.

Cosmic heroes want their cosmic force to stick to their lane and do their job.

Cosmic villains want their cosmic force to dominate all the others.

But the funny thing about this arrangement is that it’s universally applicable. You could theoretically apply it to any Cosmic force.

You could have a Titan going “ORDER MUST REIGN SUPREME!” and then we have a villain of Order.

Like with that book where Eonar was like “Elune gave me a tree, imma plant it!” and Aman’thul was like “WHAT?!? TREE IS NOT ORDER!!1!”

Or you could have a Void Lord being like “you know, maybe we shouldn’t consume all of creation” and be a hero of the Void.

Just food for thought, I guess?


Unlikely; creation is delicious.

Honestly, I could do without the Titans becoming the next big bad. How many RPGs have you played where the insert religious organization, kingdom, god, mentor, neighbors dog etc. turns out to the be the big bad at the end or the middle of the game and we have to kill them?


I thought we were already in agreement that bad is good

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Isn’t that what Sargeras was?

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“But what if the bad guys were actually the good guys and the good guys were the bad guys?! Heck we’re so edgy.” -Blizz writers for the 150th time


That’s because single-mindedness is ultimately going to cause some sort of destruction. Life is about knowing how to control yourself, knowing what is the right time to do certain things, and having layers

Shrek taught me that :smiley:


I’m 1,000% convinced the crazy cat lady in Elwynn Forest is the final boss!


Cat people are never ever ever bad.

I’m certain Kel’thuzad was just misunderstood lol


Kelthuboy just needed a father figure in his life. It’s sad cause the Jailer had the potential to be the ultimate WoW dad with an interesting perspective but they made him a simpleton villain

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wow as expected of a pandaren monk player. man that is wise. if only blizz was half as wise as that.

Yes and no, Sargeras became a villain TO Order, utilizing fel, or Disorder. What Lux is saying is cosmic forces doing what they’re supposed to do is good, and not doing what they’re sipposed to do bad. Good and bad is entirely subjective. Every, if not all cosmic forces think they are doing what is best. Sargeras was so focused on Order that seeing what the void could do to unborn Titans, he went to make sure no Titans could be corrupted by them by killing them by any means necessary. Sargeras sees what he does as the only way to save reality, he is doing good in his eyes, and almost everyone disagrees, so to us he is bad.


To be fair, the Scarlet Crusade are a popular enemy to the community from those concepts, nostalgia, and lore. :robot::ear:

…that we’re even giving the Scarlet Crusade another sequel. :telescope::robot:

Roaches are often hard to get rid of.

Something tells me we haven’t uncovered the true, ‘Nature,’ of the Void, ‘as the First Ones,’ designed it. Perhaps the entire Void cosmological pantheon was corrupted. Time will tell for certain, but right now, it feels about as antagonistic as Disorder, and we know that Disorder’s purge of the Universe wasn’t even orchestrated by one from its own cosmological pantheon.

I miss when the Titans were more or less godlike beings whose main purpose was to ensure planets were relatively balanced and fought against clear cut giga evil stuff like the void beings who want to devour everything but in said pursuit kind of lost how the smaller beings felt about things like having weapons to glass an entire planets surface and how they might feel about it until its brought up.


This is nothing unique to video games. It dates back at least as far as Greek Mythology.

I think the Void is just there to consume. Get rid of stuff, make room for new things. Kinda like Galactus in Marvel Comics, or the Gods of Destruction in Dragon Ball.

It’s just that the bad Void Lords want to consume everything, which could be considered “going too far” lol