Bad News shadow priests

Psychic scream is an aoe stop shadow has access high keys like grim bactol 10+ mind flay spamming enforcers is actually amazing since you focused it anyway. Other situation arise, and of course you use halo. Who uses voidweaver?

Yes, a single stop. most specs have that, and if you take the talent in hero tree, you get it to go off again to count as a second stop after it’s inevitably broken .5 seconds after going off.

most specs can stop just as well if not better than us, Psychic scream isn’t some orgasmic utility only we have

Edit: nevermind you can’t read i guess, yes we take archon but there’s these wonderful things called choice nodes where one of which in archon either makes halo slow, or psy scream go off twice, the second one is the default choice to get a second stop out of our mediocre one.

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No, it’s a good second interupt a lot of people think we don’t have. We have a wide kit people don’t use. Last week’s affix was soloable with just mass dispell.

it stops the cast for .5 seconds because of the spell queuing change, it was much better last expansion, i’d rather almost any other stop in the game rn over ours, knockups and stuns are far better for it.

Shadow is only good in M+ when it does disproportionately more damage than other specs, or when it has a unique damage pattern that is extremely relevant / leveragable and at least strong regardless.

Shadow right now just doesn’t do enough damage to justify either of those things.

Personally I think all ilvl does for you at this point is make the fight shorter, which might be relevant for you personally.

I did finally get around to recording myself do it though, with like… a lot less gear. Much more instructional than doing it with super high ilvl.


I’d want mind bomb back, but yeah it’s weak, but still strong, same with dominate mind. The last hallway in stone vault totem guys, the enforcers on GB, they can be removed from the fight

i do want mind bomb back too

when i say Psy scream feels bad for a stop btw, i am comparing us to other classes i’ve played

my warrior for example, has a 15 second single interrupt, and an aoe stop in the form of shockwave that lasts for much longer (Due to not breaking on damage) has a shorter CD by default than psychic scream, and can be shortened even further via a talent. they then ALSO have another AoE stop in the form of Intimidating shout, longer CD, but it gives them an opportunity to dump two back to back. all while safely slamming interrupts between them as they’re able to, they can prevent a caster mob from doing their thing for an extended period of time singlehandedly, we have a single target interrupt with a longer CD by default than their aoe stop, make that make sense, really.

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Dominate mind makes it make sense to me. Those really high value interrupts like heals, or mid sear, just dominate mind it, got a permanent stop.

It’s the only cc that doesn’t get broken on aoe.

Except for… stuns, and knockbacks or knockups, but i digress.

It’s great but also requires you to full stop your rotation and pray that the cast time for it is shorter than the remaining cast time on the spell unless you’re just precasting it, in which case now that mob will have full hp and have to be burned down seperately from the pack after the fact, or not count towards % if you’re intending on keeping it…

yeah dominate mind is cool and can be really impactful but it’s not a great stop imo, far too finnicky and can actually cause pulls to take longer due to that enemy taking 0 damage from your group while it’s active

/cast dominate mind

you can cancel it

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yes, i’m aware, doesn’t change that depending on how long you hold it, it wastes time, unless you want to just dismiss it immediately, which then will… just queue the spell back up? you wanna hard cast a single target non interrupt stop? that’s not a good idea either.

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It would be incredibly difficult to calculate DPS bonus you are giving to others when it is an attack/casting speed increase.

PI in classic functions as a spell power/damage boost, so it’s very easy to calculate how much extra damage is given to a player as all of their casts while buffed with PI will do X% more damage.

When you give players a casting speed increase, how do you calculate the DPS bonus? I’m sure it’s possible, but it’s nowhere near as clear cut. You would have to compare the normal casting speeds of spells/attacks to the increased speed and then figure out how many additional attacks/spells they were able to cast in that window had they not had PI on them. But, what if someone has PI on them, and they spent half the time dodging mechanics and weren’t able to cast. They didn’t get off any additional spells/attacks in that window compared to a normal window where they are stationary.

This would require an insane amount of math and I don’t think you can easily calculate it.

Check the last week logs for mythic plus. I’m just messing around with the victim complex spriest mains. We’re good.

warcraftlogs.c om/zone/statistics/39#sample=7&dataset=95

Kinda glossed over it due to other things in the thread but this… This isn’t right.


Agreed. It takes me almost 40s to get enough insanity build up to dump 4 DPs…

This is a really poor lie. Take the statement with it’s full context.


I’ll keep doing a proper dps rotation as someone else in the group who is better equipped to slow the mobs handles that with a single button press and a normal rotation.

It’s standard procedure for people that think priest is fine because it gets used.

“Priest can’t be that bad because it has a raid buff and PI, so it’s just the same as any other class because they’re only guaranteed one raid spot just like everyone else. Pay no attention to priest’s complete inability to participate in solving movement or mechanical problems due to its total lack of tools. It’s just the same as every other class that can break roots, break CC, have immunities, can instantly reposition 40-60 yards as needed, and can corral and control large numbers of adds. Classes have completely equal capabilities because every class gets only one guaranteed raid spot and extra spots are tuning dependent.”


We don’t want pi to affect other players if it’s what’s making us a poopie spec.


Are the DPS numbers you’re referencing above based on sims? That is a legitimate way to know whether or not a piece of gear is an upgrade… but is definitely not representative of DPS output in an actual fight.