Bad news for solo and world players

I don’t even know why I keep responding to you. You spend all your time upset, and you cling to weird conspiracy theories to fuel your rage.

You have no idea what a good faith argument is, let alone a good argument. Looking at things that you specifically pretend to be pissed off about…there’s just a lot of reaching on your end.

I can apply the same kind of logic to your assumption that better gear somehow means wanting mythic raid gear mailed to players.


You have no idea what you even want lol. There isn’t a cohesive thought you’ve presented yet. You flail about making wild accusations about predatory tactics (lawl bad take), Ion, something about player housing…it just gets tiring even trying to remember all your absurd posts.

You definitely want mythic raid gear mailed to you. You want the gear so bitterly. It’s evidenced by every single one of your posts, but you are so adverse to social interaction or grouping in game that instead, you’ll do LFR and cry on the forums about who knows what.

Not really.

I’ve seen the worst of competitive players, it’s their mentality that is arguably seeing the decline of modern Blizzard games these days.


I extremely highly doubt you’ve ever been in a situation that you were involved with competitive players other than times when you may have been getting farmed in BG’s by someone you thought was good.

Don’t bother.
Either this is just an act to get a reaction out of people all worked up (trolling), or he’s oblivious to how he’s been paying for (and thus supporting) the game for well over 2 years of this continuous nonsense rageposting (hypocrisy).

If he actually believes the content of his posts, he’d probably be a happier person if he were permanently banned from the forums.

I honestly think he’d be happier if he was just banned from the game tbh. At a certain point like bruh why the F do you even play WoW if everything is so terrible?

Criticism is good and healthy, but damn.

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You’d be surprised.

Sounds like personal bias, given our history.

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Sounds like facts. Read your posts. You are so seethingly uspet, constantly. If there isn’t a problem, you invent one. When first beginning interactions with you, I thought to extend an invite to you to run keys with someone competent in every role that might help smooth out your experience a bit.

However, interactions with you led me to quickly understand that you’re just one of those people that isn’t happy unless you’re upset. Shame. You would have had fun.

Like this one?

I’ll just go surf GD for any topics starting with that line in it…


It’s what you want. Well, maybe. I still contend you don’t know what you want.

I’ve been over this enough times that I’m no longer interested in continually talking to you about it. You don’t have the nuts to just come out and say “I want mythic ilvl gear for doing WQ’s” but you don’t have to, because I know the truth.

You don’t.

Not when you’re out looking for trouble like that.


May I ask why you think so? Do you consider all these DF-style open world events (that technically necessitate parties or raids) to be content for solo players because you can group up for them?

What is the reasoning on that?

Are you sure that you are arguing here in good faith?

“A good faith argument refers to an argument or discussion that is conducted with sincerity, honesty, and a genuine desire to explore and understand different perspectives. In a good faith argument, participants engage in a respectful and open-minded manner, seeking to present their views and listen to opposing viewpoints with the intention of reaching a deeper understanding or finding common ground.”

The Catalyst went live exactly as I described.

If loot from only 1/3 of the raid bosses, or only 2 of the season’s M+ dungeons, was eligible for the Catalyst, would that be “basically nothing”?


You don’t need to be in a party or raid. Teaming up on an ad-hoc basis works just as well. It’s like the Suffusion Camp I did last night. I can start a fight and be reasonably sure a few other players will come along to pitch in. Or I can join a fight already in progress.

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Historically all MMOS had solo content the ones with more solo content survived and thrived WoW for example where-as the ones that have less solo content Everquest (while being better games in some regards) dwindled and failed.

The world needs soloable stuff, interesting challenging soloable stuff in it not just raids from 3 expansions ago we can one shot bosses in.

This is what drives the population which in turn is what drives the community and those guilds who are willing to recruit-train-and gear up players for the ‘end game content’ and other sundry group content.

Unfortunately wows community has gotten extremly toxic towards those that aren’t 437 ilvl week 2 of patch and ya’ll are killing your community by driving both solo and casual players to other games where we are treated better. - and rewarded for our effort - be it time or skill. Now wow still does have over a decades worth of Solo content, so there are still a lot of us who are happy doing the less challenging and more story oriented aspects of the game - however the world building and questing and solo tasks are in decline, specifically IN PART (not wholly) because of a very toxic raid culture. — but if you ask me the most successful pug raids are the ones that kick poor performers and encourage ppl to at least try to do the content — The best way to learn the raids is in a progression guild — the best way to do them weekly is in a pug lol.


Titan forging + azerite armor with selectable tier traits was the best this game ever produced. The only thing that I agree was bad about it was the grind, and to me it wasn’t that bad. A system without the AP grind (or making the AP catch up + account wide), yet the same flexibility would be absolutely aMaZinG plus being content agnostic — the only other true alternative would be to firewall content and gear between content — aka raid gear is only valid in raids and scales down outside of raids and heroic dungeons etc to normal world gear level etc — super unpopular opinion, this is a case of you think you do but you don’t and the you don’t is players who want their uber raid gear to work in all content aren’t looking at the long term health and viability of the game and looking at incentive to get people to progress into that content at their own pace instead of being funneled into it making both hardcore raiders and ppl who just want to enjoy rares and world bosses suffer.


But im not surprised, i know you buy normal raid carries and pay blizzard to whine on their forums( the pinnacle of competitive gameplay).

Sometimes I wonder if the ultimate goal is to turn WoW into an instanced based game where there is no world, it’s just a city and that serves as a lobby to sit while you wait for your next instance.