Bad news for solo and world players

So if I upgrade my lfr gear to 224… im hosed? I already have in one slot. Why don’t the devs forethought this stuff.

Also LFR has been a mandatory req this patch for any raiders looking for tier even if you are trying to do herioc raids lol.

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The expectation of having world content be appropriate for solo players comes precisely from the history of the game.

The vast majority of Vanilla content at launch was soloable quests and mobs.

The vast majority of daily rep quests for max-level players have been solobale.

The majority of Legion, BfA, and SL world quests, events, world quests, and rares were soloable. SL covenant features were largely solo content as well.

DF is the start of this dev insistence on world content NOT being soloable, other than minigame-like activities.


You should protest by playing era or Wrath, back when the devs cared about solo players and you can get your tier set as a solo player never grouping.


SL/BFA/Legion Elite world quests?

Draenor group apexis quests?

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thats ptr i think they will allow any season 2 gear to be tier transforming
if its gear from the Fyrrak Assaults thats is a low pool to be upgraded

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OK, give me a full set of 437 and I won’t mind not being able to catalyze any of it.


Absolutely. Not to mention the activities and soloable stuff often still has that waste your time and not be rewarding feel that SL brought.

WQs and dailes in bfa where sweet and quick little activities that would let us get some gold or rewarded us with catchup gear upto a decent ilvl we could take right into low M+ like 0-6’s

Someone got mad and decided to start punishing players who enjoyed BFA lol.


They are soloable my druid solo two so far totaling 5 and she just started the caverns.I like the way this is design you have solo content and grouped. I fine with the system so far.

There are plenty of quests in era which, according to contemporary comments now on wowhead, were “easily soloable” during vanilla, but which no longer are, due to increased mob density, increased mob health and/or level, and dynamic spawns which often result in hyperspawns.


They were very limited in number and didn’t give higher tiers of rewards and currencies the way that DF elite quests do.

And any reward you missed out on from quests that were too tough, you could make up for by farming other activities. Things like emissaries were always soloable.

For example, what elite quests did Korthia have? Even the Maw elite quests just awarded Stygia and Ve’nari rep and had nothing to do with gearing.

DF isn’t going to magically give you Suffused gear and Drake quests for farming treasures and doing the actual soloable world quests. DF devs want to force you to group up or do organized instanced content for your tier sets.


A surprise to no one.

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I played classic all the way through and still putz around on era off and on and it seems pretty normal.

Any specific quests you are referring to?

I soloed bfa elite content all the time as a holy priest and it was often a breeze.

I remember doing that elite daily in front of EPs port in fp. It was actually really fun in normal raid ilvl gear and the gear we could farm in Nazjatarr and upgrade. The elites had some fun and manageable mechanics even tho as holy priest I only had that psychic screem on a long CD. They where just scary enough I would be careful about pulling them or look for other players to gelp. And they didn’t have the most insane hp pools. This was before the level squish.

The short little activities in the game like this where way more fun back then. Even if we got stuck soloing them on an empty shard in the off hours (warmode or whatever at 8am) …

So yeah as an AoTC EP “casual”

This patch is very meh to downright gross or a betrayal of years worth of experience with this type of content.


That’s some revisionist history if I’ve ever seen it.

Elite world quests always gave the best world quest rewards. The highest ilvl, most gold, most rep, etc…


Your not meant to, its group activity

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If you putzed around when there weren’t lots of players at certain quests, you might never have run into hyperspawns.

The worst I know of is the Battle for Hillsbrad, a many part quest that starts with players killing level 24+ mobs. These are not elite quests except for the last in the series. The players aren’t not gaining all that much xp because they are grouped, but as long as they work together they are fine as the mobs get harder. They’re probably level 26 or 27 when they get to the last quest, which is a building tightly packed with level 29 elites. Then the group breaks up and you come back when you’re level 40-45 if you still care.


Meh lol. The DF wq stuff is so terrible and u still get funneled to M+ for drake crests. The thing is sure. If you do your weekly eventually you can upgrade some stuff. It’s going to take months.

I’d rather WQ stuff not be upgradable and just give 411 quality gear once character ilvl was high enough that could all be turned into tier. For catch up or bad luck protection. And for all WQ content to be balanced around 424 ilvl. This is the original wow way of doing business that didn’t waste people’s time. People stopped having to do WQs once they started doing mythics and raids and they where never mandatory outside of the rep grind needed on a main for pathfinder (which could just be a single account wide renown reward now tied to comepleting the campaign)…

Anyways I digressss…

We are straying back into Legion territory with the way gearing works now and people think they do… butt they don’t…

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/shrug, I dunno. I’ve done that quest chain multiple times.

Classic leveling is different though where you can’t just always keep going through the same chain without needing to level up a bit. A lot of back and forth between zones.

Duskwood was good for that, the last quest is mid 30s when you can start in the low 20s.

That makes absolute sense. It was the same with world gear last season. Only Primal gear.

That was to be expected.

It’s not. It’s fine. Just like you couldn’t solo Storm’s Fury and half of the Primal Storms.

No it shouldn’t.

No it shouldn’t.

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Uhh no. No casual player is getting above 420ish