Bad Luck Protection - a long overdue topic

please bring back my bonus rolls blizz! :revolving_hearts:

(the MoP world boss ones specifically…these new bonus rolls will need to drop mounts)

Most cosmetics are made with those people in mind, the few that takes long butt time even using multiple characters are always target.

Ain’t nobody talking about the new 8 racial mounts, or the dragonriding mounts or the renown mounts or the many others that are easy to get or even guarantee.

Yall are talking about the few that requires a good amount of rng.
Those are not for you, deal with it

Blizzard and I disagree so this is probably not a game for you

Well im still here and playing so…something’s not quite right…

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I think the middle ground depends on the frequency of attempts, there’s some cases that could be perceive as an handout, however; some kind of progress for each attempt like currency or increase % should be in game.

Also, There’s not anything “harder” as mentioned by others, if I could use X amount of money, I could just pay X amount of boost to lvl 60 and do more attempts, the game right now regarding a lot of cosmetics, it’s just a massive gamble machine on which players with more attempts have a better opportunity.

Because those are deterministic rewards and this topic is againt the RNG without limitations that impacts everyone but some players have a better chance depending of alts amounts, for example, Next love rocket season, some collectors already plan to pay different accounts, because of the new daily boost attempt, then you can just merge the account that get the mount with your main account.

Read Chimes response, that´s why we got changes to Love rocket mount, so it’s something under review by Blizzard, also I can provide other examples like the Mechadone changes done during Shadowlands.

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You are allow to play a game that you apparently dislike a very basic core system

They need some kind of currency added for the bad luck protection.


Game tokens :thinking: doing endgame content gives you a little coin you take to some mysterious person in exchange for old armor sets and mounts.

You could even filter it by expansion.

We will call this stranger “The Collector”

Just bring back reroll tokens and apply bad luck protection to them, call it a day, anything to make raid and gearing via raid more appealing is a good thing.

M+ does not need bad luck protection, your bad luck protection is the vault.

Yeah because it becomes farm not rng, if every time you kill something it increases 1% your chance of dropping that’s not true rng thats just grind, kill 100 times and you get the mount. That’s like collecting the magmamote, we have those, the rng is around how many mcguffings will drop.
Yeah I don’t see the problem with people buying other accounts it’s the same as making more characters to run raids.

It didnt made it a guarantee, it doesn’t increase your chance for every L, that’s what y’all are asking, also for every change there is a new mount that is full rng so it’s more about nerfing old content than changing philosophy.

Then go and do that. Problem solve

They’re two different things.

Grinds tend to be deterministic. “I need 1000 of XXXX” and off you go.

Farming randoms is just that – random. Dumb luck prevails. Get it on the first kill, get it on the 1000. No sense of progress, no sense of destination. It happens when it happens.

It would be nice, for example, if the Infinite Time Reaver mount was both purchasable, as well as a low drop chance. Put it in the store for, like, 10,000 badges. That’s 20 TW events, so, almost 2 years.

Or, you can farm it, 5 badges per boss (plus, what, 15 for the dungeon boss)? So, lets say 30 per dungeon. 333 dungeon runs. Run it 15 times each event, and you’ll get the mount in less than a year – on a single toon (since badges are not account bound).

That’s your RNG protection. Eventually you have the potential to get enough currency to outright buy it (assuming you don’t go and buy other TW things).

Each run you know you’re closer, or it can just drop.

This satisfies all kinds of players. RNG hunters simply dont have to spent the money. Others can save up, and it can always just randomly hit.

I’ve never seen it drop for anyone, but that’s just me.

But it’s a trivial way to add RNG protection to some drops. Anything that drops currency can already, can act as a mechanic for RNG protection.

I’ve done my fair share of farms, but it was mostly for things that showed progress. 2400 rugged leather, Winterspring Nightsaber. Each run you’re ][ much closer. It’s only ][, but it’s closer. With RNG, you’re never closer.

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Agree. Trying to farm bis items at 441 is rediculous. All the haste over mastery rings/necks are from M+ and each has like a 2% chance to get it since only 2 people get a drop and the loot tables are huge.

I really dont have it in me to farm all that. It really hurts specs like fire mage that really care about secondary stats. Haste is so much better than anything else.

They need to make the loot tables smaller and share drops between raid and dungeons… there are like 9 cloaks this season with crit and only 1 without. Why!! Its like they put 0 thought into this.

My proposed fix: Make end of dungeon loot work like great vault. Everyone gets 3 choices and can pick 1. Not every option needs to be an item so its not too generous.

No one wants to run the same dungeon 50 times in a row for a specific bis drop.

The collection game and the gearing progression game are two different things.

With any collecting activity, stamps, baseball cards, MTG, etc, there has to commons and rares. If there are no rares it’s just a worthless commodity.

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You’re comparing physicall collecting on which I can paid for a single, there’s a market…etc

I know that you come from the rarity side of things and that could still exist while doing a little progress for each attempt or balancing the game for players that don’t have massive amount of alts.

I gave up on Ashs of Alar despite idk… how many attempts on how many toons throughout the whole of my career.
Have been playing since BC RNG protection should definitely be a thing.
I ended up getting back to back drops on Invincible an I dont even want the damn thing, tried to vendor it without realizing an gave the first one to a guild mate who was running for it. Low an behold my next run for the 2 handed Sword I got Invincible again.

Rng is crap for these things give it a flat increased rate on failed attempts up to 5%.
Keep it there an for anyone saying ahhh blah blah blah game retention ur lying to urself we arent keeping anyone, so if getting a mount helps with that good.


Both are collecting activities.

And anything where you can easily have everything is just work. Like it or not we all look to our right, then look to our left, and compare ourselves to other people. And if you don’t see that you’re either lying to us or lying to yourself.

A game where everything is just, “press button, get your sugar water loot” isn’t fun. So if you want a game where there are rare things worth working for, you have to accept that you’re not going to get it all.

Yes please. The idea that it’s possible never to get something in-game no matter how hard you work for it is maddening.

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