Bad horde premades in AB today

Come farm em boys, I have been for the last few hours, they are so bad Pugs can crush em.

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It’s saturday.

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that probably means they aren’t min/max and using every flask, elixir, and potion. Heck, they might not be using a discord, or if they are, not a lot of them are actually communicating.

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Most of them are so bad it blows my mind how they cant even get a strong 3 cap…

They’re used to free wins from AV.

They only have high IQs in AV for some reason.


yeah most horde pvp’ers already got their ranks and quit queueing so youre fighting the left over alliance like trash that are only doing it cuz they cant get good gear otherwise. when i got rank 14 in early may my pug win record was over 80%, and even though we didnt beat the full marshal premades, a lot of times we’d farm them in flag room to the point of breaking even on honor. the horde playing now are the ones that were intimidated by the honor caps before and now they finally have a chance to rank casually cuz all the serious players are done

From what I have seen in battlegrounds since day one, the players in battlegrounds on both sides are really bad. But today the horde have brought terrible to a new low.

This happened in like, March.

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lol the alliance have been getting their behinds kicked since day one in every game mode, i remember feeling bad for them in every wsg, ab game when our pug would farm theirs in graveyard. just like the alliance premades, the pugs quit after the first mid scuffle and just sit in their base waiting to lose

Not according to the forums. Also find this rather amusing coming from the Easiest most powerful Spec-Class-Race-Faction imaginable.

He will probably only make it to like 1700 in TBC.

I think a lot of the people on these forums are going to find out how really bad they are when TBC comes out.

Going to be a real wake-up from how good they thought they were in classic.


It’s gonna be as shocker to the guys that think 1 shotting is skill, maybe they will learn how to CC?

2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 are all going to dominated by meta gimmicks. I only played up to WotLK, but at no point during that time was PvP ever “balanced” in any mode.

Certain comps are stronger but you can hit gladiator on most comps.

You’re not going to be hard stuck at 1700 because your class is bad.

Season 3 and 4 were actually really good, there was still annoying things in game like RNG mace stun and blackout, hamstring root, etc, but overall a very solid arena game where conventional comps can play to the top just fine.

Gimmick comps have always existed, but they are actually good because they prey on standard dominant comps like RMP. Gimmick comps never usually get far, but they do a good job thinning the heard of the sick and weak. They are like lions taking out the weak wildebeest that wasn’t good enough and so nature took it out, and this is good for the game because it makes the player actually try harder, get better and improve if they want to advance.

I think what people tend to easily forget is that even though comps like druid+war or lock is very strong and popular you still have to be better than the mirrors to climb.

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Yea that’s my point, it comes down to player skill at that point.

I’m going to be going for RMP, so if I’m going to be going for gladiator I’m going to need to beat alot of mirror comps, and if I can’t it’s no one’s fault but me and my teams.

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RMP requires you are also clean on your CC and focus, and if you are not then guess where that ends up, in the dumpster because if the CC is no good there is no point even playing that comp, its very skill oriented and something that 1700 players will struggle with quite a lot.

I think what you’re finding is that we’re at a point where stronger players (via gear, talent, or both) are now able to completely carry games by just deleting the weak /fresh 60s/ people doing bgs for gear.

From my experience most players horde side show up at least with BWL / MC weapons and gear, that’s a deadly foe if they know how to use that gear.

I dont have PVP gear, only Raid gear and do just fine.