Bad horde premades in AB today

Yeah my highest rating was 2400 on a holy pally in wrath of the lich King. So I’m excited to be in arena with a class that’s actually good

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Mage is super strong in the right situations in TBC, really scary good, and ice lance is no little joke either.

Just discovered a new bot, was in an AB with a paladin who had a dispel bot, and it was godly.

Told the paladin “Thanks for the dispel” he said, he did not do it. There was no one else there, and then I got to watching and he was dispelling like mad, almost as fast as the debuffs went out, he had em clean. Impressive yet cancer, that same kind of bot could be abused for other things also.

It’s a good day for AB. Most rankers hit their cap yesterday.

Is there something wrong with casual premades now?

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Absolutely not, just telling the sharks to come feed.

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they might be something called a psuedo-premade
psuedo-premades are things that only happen when >90% of all games are premades, so the only thing you can do to get honor is to join them since you can’t beat them otherwise

they aren’t good at premading because they arent the kinds of people that would normally do it if given the option to not do it, which they essentially don’t have
so even if they do flask and use tons of consumables, it doesnt mean that they wont get camped because they’re all casuals who just want honor from gy farming pugs and they aren’t that good at PvP

if less people premaded, then psuedo-premades would be extremely rare because they wouldn’t be so necessitated

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