Bad Communication is impacting gameplay

By the way, did you ever admit you were wrong about which threads were merged and which were deleted? Because the other thing I definitely associate with you is a lack of taking responsibility :slight_smile:


Communication would of been telling the players it was a limited time thing from the get go like the mage tower. Communication would of been informing the players of the change before it had to be found by a confused player base. Clarifying a scum bag move that they had no intention of letting the player know of in timely manner is covering their butts.


So, how does all this convey into gameplay?

Well I don’t know exactly what you are asking but if a player wants this mount they may now have to drop whatever they were doing to work on it. I myself don’t have the time and after spending a million on frog mounts just to get this notice a week later I am screwed. If this was a seasonal or xpac only thing I may of not spent my cash elsewhere and actually had a shot at it. I understand limited time rewards, they keep people playing but unless I drop all my free time to farm now which would change my slow farm gameplay or fork over cash for a game I am already paying. Again I’m rambling because I’m not entirely sure what you are asking.


So, it has to do nothing with gameplay at all. Since this thread is all about how Communications, or the lack there of, impacts gameplay negatively… but is really a baited thread to complain about Bronto - which still holds zero impact to gameplay.

So, in reality - the scum bag thing is really isn’t the lack of communications, but a loaded and baited thread to phish (mediocre band btw) for outrage in a non issue topic, that can’t even find a singular focus point.

It perfectly displays the disdain they have for their customers at this point. I don’t know if it’s the forum criticism or just the weight of Activision on their backs but I do know what I read and what I see. 2+2=4 after all and the leak discussing how they see their customers and then this on top of that and all the other things they are doing all add up to the leak being correct.


the solution is to buy more tokens

Your statement implies they had any intention to improve it to start with. From the moment they started talking about it they began reneging on it. They said they were improving communication and then FIRED all the community interaction staff FFS…

Blizzard ignored player concerns about azerite, leading to an entire expansion of band aid fixes.

They’ve ignored feedback on the global cooldown and class changes, which are widely regarded as terrible changes. Classes are frequently brought up as the worst they’ve been in a long time.

They refuse to communicate or listen until it is too late. Look at corruption. They’re actually listening now and trying to change it and make it better, but only after massive negative response by the playerbase. But by now it’s so late into the development cycle that 8.3 is being delayed far later than it should need to be.


You didn’t counter anything i said. You asked me how it affects gameplay so I gave you a quick personal answer then you went “AHA it’s not a communication thing at all!” as if it has to be one or the other. Again mage tower, pvp elite sets, and more when first shown we were told they are limited time, the long boi was not and players had to drag it out, Ion could of told use with 8.3 announcement or 9.0 but they never communicated to even try and get players aware.


So, again. HOW does it impact gameplay?

Pretty clear question there, but hey, potatoes gotta root themselves in their own mediocrity somehow and dance around it with “long boy, mage tower” etc type retorts.

When did they ever have good communication with us ever? Or try to do better?


when relationships go sour, it goes down to:

" it’s easier to ask forgiveness than asking permission "

and these days no one forgives

With that logic I should be entitled to the stuff I missed. When I’m fact I’m not. I pay for content and that’s what I get. There was no guarantees I can get everything

Ive answered this several times now. If you are not a gold farmer you suddenly have to become one. Now please stop with the insults, this is a forum for discussion not an episode of Jerry.


Mm Hmm. Right.

Nah, just stating truth. It is only means something if it is relevant to one’s self.

Anyways, this thread is about as justifiable as getting a colonoscopy at the DMV.

Nah Rng chasers are impacting Gameplay

“This weekly mythic+ rewards sucks” proceeds to run 10 more m+ and a m+ every week

"This benthic gear rngs sucks " proceeds to grind 6 more hours for perfect stat + socket+ special effects

Hey this player loves doing this content we will give him more, lets say a legendary cloak grind for new patch :slight_smile:

Where can i find this “leak”

They delete the thread every time someone posts the link because it’s a spoiler. I can’t be bothered looking for it. It’s out there on 4chan I think somewhere.

Does anyone actually remember when the last QA stream was?