The current discussion over the Brutosaur is a pretty picture perfect piece of evidence as to how Blizzard’s policy of noncommunication is negatively affecting gameplay.
With features that can be taken away on a whim, there’s no incentive to get excited about anything or revisit old content. You can’t go back and get the Brutosaur if you decide you want to revisit BfA (lol) and it begs the question as to what else they’ll take away in the name of enticing whales to pay up.
This would be less irritating if Blizzard had communicated this instead of just springing it up to try to drive up scarcity demand, but as is plainly evident, improving communication is no longer a priority.
Blizzard always says it is, of course. But there’s never any evidence that this is actually true. And in fact, given BfA’s unpopularity, Non-Communication seems to have become the official Blizzard policy, with developers only commenting when problems become catastrophes.
Which also incentivizes the community to be more toxic, since you’ll only ever get your concerns addressed if you create a toxic environment that will demand blue responses.
This sounds harsh and it’s intended to because playing nice isn’t getting anything done. We’re your fans, Blizzard, and we’re waiting for you to remember you were once a game company and not a gacha lootbox service.
It really feels like they have just given up with improving communication with the community. Maybe as the patch 8.3 gets closer to launch they will be willing to share more.
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Stop making excuses for them. Every time we say “maybe things will get better,” they take it as evidence to stop trying.
When are we going to start holding them to account instead of just hoping for better?
How do you recommend we do that? By starting fires on the forums? We’re doing that already. Or by quitting? Because most of us are doing that already too.
The people that loved making games left Blizzard a long time ago, and the few that are left are under the thumb of money-men like Ion and the ever-watching gaze of Activision and its investors.
The Blizzard we grew up with is gone. It’s time to accept that and decide whether this new animal is worth sticking around to see what it does next.
While communication is bad from Blizzard. I remember way back when the forums flamed and attacked a CM for posting they are taking Maternity Leave and was excited to get more time to play and group up with the players.
So, yeah two way street and all that.
Which CM was that?
And no, it’s not a two way street. People who pay for the service are entitled to be treated like customers, not suckers.
Is it any wonder that the graphic for the 15th anniversary firework is a big middle finger? 
I don’t remember that at all.
I don’t think we shouldn’t give them feedback about a lack of communication but I do think we have to be mindful of the time table.
A lot of things we are talking about now are from the PTR and we learned about through data mining. So they aren’t ready to announce them officially from Blizzard because they are still in flux.
Personally I do wish they were more open about works in progress and their future plans, but they seem to believe that it’s not worth the headaches it brings.
Not really, you aren’t entitled to anything. And you really aren’t entitled to act like a petulant child.
They didn’t even get a chance to discuss this. It got data-mined before they released anything.
Play or don’t play. No one cares. They weren’t a magical company 15 years ago. People made these same posts. But for most, middle school was a happy care free time and no one remembers real life.
In fact, I am. I paid money for the service. I am entitled to get that money’s worth and I will continue to press to do so and call out where Blizzard fails that, no matter how uncomfortable or angry it makes you.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep challenges to be challenges.
Also I would say they have communicated a fair bit about this, however, the more they do they more hate people have to throw back at them.
But it’s not intended to be a challenge. If it was, they would have communicated that from the start. This is an attempt to trick whales into giving up their money through artificial scarcity.
You know this. You’re aware of this. Why do you keep trying to push this narrative?
Oh yeah, I’m sure it was their top priority if it weren’t for those pesky dataminers and their social medias.
It doesn’t make me angry or uncomfortable. I find it sad, that’s about it.
It is your opinion if you are getting your money’s worth. If you feel you aren’t, quit. Don’t make up things to spread false outrage.
These dang kids with their memes and belief that they shouldn’t be ripped off to pay for a CEO’s fourth yacht.
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You’re here getting angry, so I’d say that’s not particularly true.
But again, you may be comfortable getting ripped off, but please don’t ask fellow players to share your anger. Support your fellow players and stand against Blizzard’s bad practices.
Because the more they communicate, the more obvious how bad their reasoning is. That’s how it works.
What, are you expecting Blizzard to say “Hey, we made this decision for short-sighted gain and here’s our faulty logic to justify it” and expect everyone to swallow it?
Sure it is, people like you wouldn’t be whining so much if it wasn’t a challenge.
You only have 293 mounts, you haven’t been making much effort to get your ‘money’s worth’ up to now.
You’re only level 13, so.