Backpack Capes

I really love how the armor has improved over the lifespan of the game, especially with some of the cool things added in Legion like the rogue Antorus set.

But why not give the cape slot some love? I mean sure there's tons of capes, but really how practical is it to be exploring some uncharted island or wading deep in the jungle with a cape? Those things get wet, they get heavy, they snag on things, they rip, and outside of it being a cosmetic thing wouldn't really add much to the practical explorer.

So, why not have craftable backpacks in that slot? It'd make professions a bit more fun to have something cool and unique to craft (and let's face it, outside of mounts and the stuff engineers get, there's not much in that department) that you can actually *see* on your character? There's already backpacks in the game by way of the parachutes that sometimes make an appearance, why not make them a bit more permanent? Plus it'd make have a floating sword or staff on your back look a bit less jenky if it seemed like it could somehow be held in place by a backpack.
I almost never enable cloaks. They are unpractical and look ugly.

No capes! - Edna Mode.

I'd love a backpack, though.
I really would love if they updated the cloak model to one that doesn't looks like a cape used by a kid playing superhero.

Just look at the Lich King's cloak, it looks amazing!
10/30/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Shirubia
I really would love if they updated the cloak model to one that doesn't looks like a cape used by a kid playing superhero.

Just look at the Lich King's cloak, it looks amazing!

Not only is the potential of the Back slot completely wasted, but... yeah.

WoW's character cloaks have forever been early 00's terrible, no matter how much more advanced the graphics have become. NPCs like Arthas and Kael'thas can get impressive cloaks, but us? ... Making the towel safety pinned around our necks more gaudy doesn't make it any less sad.

That said... backpacks? ... how about Jetpacks?

Or any of the other number of advanced technology we've seen, from air tanks to chemical sprayers, missile packs, and everything in between. Too tech? Okay, Quivers, Sashimono, and Totems.

"Back" should be "anything that can go on the back". Not just these dyed paper towels.
Glad it's not just me. Professions have been pretty lackluster in BfA compared to where they were in Legion; it just feels like going through the motions and adding something cosmetic that people could equip would make it feel more rewarding.

Honestly I'm a little surprised there's less of a call for this and a lot more threads about more elves or allied races when it seems like this would be a lot simpler to implement.

I know it might be an unfair comparison but some of the most popular mods for games like Skyrim or Fallout are just simple backpacks.
I've been requesting this ever since I saw the totems from Highmountain. I always said to myself. "They could easily do a back that isn't just capes. They even call the slot 'back' and not cloaks or capes!"

Anything from having canisters, ammo bag, backpacks would be a huge boost in appearance for sure. Likely a lot of work but hey, it certainly will add flavor. I doubt they will commit to any of this in the near future but hey, it should at least be on the table.
Damn, I woud love some backpacks, ever since Solas from Dragon Age: Inquisiton I really like the idea of spellcasters with backbacks, I mean, my druid would look so awesome with a backback and his staff, like a traveler druid.