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loooool at aotc being a high standard

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“They don’t like it because they’re the people it filters out”

I believe that was your post. Oozing arrogance as it was. Yes I understand you tried to fix it later with “almost” once you realized how arrogant you were at first. I am however not really convinced of your argument. My personal experience is an example I can give which is why I did so. It stands to back the fact I find it difficult to buy your story; with the “almost” band-aid or not.

AotC ain’t hard to get, but it’s kinda overkill for normal runs.

alright that’s fair

edit: forgot to use reply autism incarnate

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It’s true though in some cases for sure. I didn’t have a great io score last tier but I wouldn’t want people with low io to do a +15 if I was running one.

I don’t think it was arrogance it’s simply matter of fact, and kind of fun and chuckle worthy. Just because you think it’s sad that people require things like AOTC does not mean that the rest of us dislike competition.

It’s kinda funny that you accuse me of arrogance when your personal experience boils down to “just get a good guild lul 4head”.

I haven’t relied on the PuG scene since like Wrath, but come on dude. Surely you’re not THAT ignorant about PuG’ing?

Yeah, I didn’t mean to imply that it was extremely high standards overall, just high standards for the content.

Like asking for 370ilvl for a m0 world tour.

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Oh well, I guess we’re going down the path of creating make believe sentences in poor language for an argument. Doesn’t make for a particularly strong one though.
What I said is that I don’t have to personally deal with IO much and I explained why. Having said that, I then expressed my sympathies and somewhat agreed with him. It does get pretty autistic the way it’s handled.

Taking that into “lmao get a gud guild lmao” only goes to show the kind of person you are.

It’s not the tuning, it’s the queue-ability of content. If people can’t queue to instantly replace, then a complete disband is in order.

Why Blizzard didn’t think of allowing harder content to be queue-able is beyond me. That alone would fix this IO nonsense.

I mean FF14/FFXIV does it.

You seem obsessed with character assassination because you don’t like how what he said is so true. You being sanctimonious doesn’t make it any less true. Grow up.

There’s nothing arrogant about stating the fact about the state pugging, it is what it is, also your sympathy wont suddenly make the low io plebs suddenly getting accepted to groups.

Out of curiosity, when did you start playing?

Because Blizzard have tried this multiple times. It never works.

Yeah Cata dungeon said hi, tbh cata dungeon wasn’t even that hard, its just 1-3 monkeys you get in queueable content that make it so.

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Wrong, anyone 390+ ilvl right now has done some real content. Guaranteed

It’s because the people you filter out with io scores would be in your groups making them fail. Queueable hard content is impossible for the wow community. You would kill M+ overnight.

Or they are just alliance…

Then they tried with LFR, and people failing mechanics that hard meant Determination had to be implemented, and they tried Dungeons again in WoD with having the queue locked behind a skill-test in Proving Grounds, and people hated that.

I don’t know if it’s WoW specific, or how hard the “hard” content in FF is, but in WoW, historically hard content has only ever worked if you have to manually form groups for it.

Every single time they’ve tried mixing “queues” with “difficult content”, it’s been a spectacular failure.

Cata could have been avoided, the requirements should have been more than just iLevel. Unfortunately the tech didn’t exist then, hence why people use it as an argument.

It’s a valid point, sure, but fears can’t hold greatness back forever.

I’m thinking a requirement to difficulty ratio should be in order. Like if it’s insanely difficult, require prior experience in easier difficulties, proving grounds, iLevel, etc., to queue for it.

You know, like how FF14/FFXIV does it.

Cometely agree. A pug group can time a 6 easy

Prove it, show me a char at or above 390 ilvl that hasn’t done m+ or raids

What he said is not true. “They don’t like it because they’re the people it filters out” is a lie and is extremely dismissive of OPs opinion. I dislike it and I’m not filtered out by it, for one. That alone already proves his statement to be wrong. By all means though, stand by the wrong side. We’re all free.