Back in 2020 I read somethig interesting:

:man_shrugging: Substandard is substandard to me. I’m more concerned about the systems than how the story is being crow-barred in to support them. I can enjoy a game with a bad story*.

*See “the glory years” of WoW.

Then stop whining.

Story doesn’t have to be great to be entertaining. Ex.: Every single comic book story arch ever.

The story was entertaining at one point, but Danuser killed it.


I still don’t understand just how the writers came up with the story of SL. Like… there are so many other stories in front of you, and you choose to create an entirely new story that retcons way too much lore for some random dude that has what, 40 total voiced lines? Isn’t shown to be smart at all yet has been behind almost everything in the cosmos??? Not only that but every character seems to lose IQ points by being around the Jailer.
And it’s not like it’s just bad lore contained to SL, it’s kind of tainted the series as a whole for me. I used to love Sylvanas and the Forsaken, but the Forsaken are pathetic now and Sylvanas’ character has been butchered for SL. The last time she served someone (Arthas) she forced a dreadlord to serve her, NEARLY killed him with trickery, and raised an army out of pure vengeance. But yes, she’d give up, let Tyrande sentence her after all she’s done. :roll_eyes:

Characters that have been retconned in some way/have been ruined for SL, off the top of my head: Sylvanas, The Lich King, Elune, Sargeras… and I mean, those are HUGE characters.
Things that could have made full expansions but were rushed into BFA (likely for SL): N’zoth, Azshara, a full scale faction war that doesn’t have the Horde as bad guys… etc. I’m not claiming to be a good writer but man it just stings seeing so many things wasted/ruined in some way for SL.
Went on a rant lol but it really does just make me sigh when I look at SL.

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Danuser is the reason that :clown_face: is the very one that destroyed WoW I hope he wears a big red nose and a rainbow colored Afro when he’s writing and destroying other stores like any clown would


Oh some good news.