Back in 2020 I read somethig interesting:

Not only that but both Nzoth and Zovaal plans were kind of similar. Nzoth wanted to use the forge of origination to rewrite Azeroth into the Black Empire while Zovaal wanted to use ZM to rewrite reality.

One wanted to use it for evil doings while the other maybe wanted to use it for the greater good.

This proves the point about Shadowlands copy-paste BfA but a little bigger, more.

I swear if Murozond wants to use some titan construct to rewrite time in Dragonflight, I’m done.


Even Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way is a better writer than him

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Story has never been great…

lets quit pretending.


We were also told that they had like three competing plans for what WoD was going to be, including a Deadmines-style Mongrel Horde and Garrosh becoming a necromancer, and didn’t even settle on a theme until they saw the texture files for the Siegecrafter Blackfuse fight and got inspired to make the Iron Horde.

Did great up until catalysm, and honestly with a few small key changes cataclysm would of been great, even MOP had the potential to bring in some interesting consequences of stopping a villain at the cost of unleashing a greater one.

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What was so great?

Lead Narrative Designer Steve Danuser Is that you?

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No , Its not your latest bogey-man. Just an average forumer trying to figure out where this great story was? I must have missed this amazing story telling!

PS. I never said the story that your bogey -man presented was any good. Now, if I did say that then maybe you retort would make a lick of sense… but I said it was never good. Your lack of comprehension has failed you.

Oh okay for a second there I thought I was talking to a talentless hack would couldn’t hold a narrative to save his life, good thing it’s not you though.

The story was? Daft.

All of these “lore” fanatics amaze me. You can tell they don’t read books. There are so many better stories out there.

Yes and we would love those writers to work for Blizzard instead of getting trash.

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Then tell me what was great about it… daft…er?

They won’t waste their time on anything they don’t have full artistic control over.

Go read a book, you’ll be happier for it. Personally, audiobooks are great for gaming and I use those frequently.

Shadowlands story felt like it switched themes and directions way too many times. Which makes sense if they were evolving, changing, wheelin’ and dealin’ it.

Maybe Dragons will be more stable as a result.

Ok one example, I like that I watched a character with good intentions eventually turned evil by the events that forced him into that path, how hard decisions changed his perception of what is right and what is wrong, I liked that he had a back story and intentions, I liked that I could actually have something to enjoy rather than jailer’s chest having more going on than the actual story or character development.

Now you tell me why you don’t like the story of Warcraft prior to the Cataclysm, rather than looking for a fight :slight_smile:

I don’t want to read a book, I play games and watch shows/movies, that’s my tea, not that I haven’t read books with great stories, just I rather have that visual input, comparing books to a video game story is really pointless, video games will never reach the complexity or depth of a book/series of books, as the story telling is limited to 10-20 minutes of cinematics and mostly in-game small dialogue/actions.


They plan the base of them. They 1000% do not plan the story beats ahead of time at all, and it shows.

As basic as story telling goes. I could list 1000 science fiction/fantasy movies ,games or novels that took the same approach and did it 100 times better. I didnt think the stories were great because they were direct lazy rip-offs of things done better elsewhere. I liked the gameplay and environs enough to look beyond the teen level writing. If it did something for you , I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was all just basic as far as I was concerned.

Not intending to fight over it. All I said was it was never great. If I threw in an “IMO” would that have been better? :grinning:

The deadest server of them all? Yeah, it seems to be leaning that way, I’ve yet to meet one person who’s genuinely hyped for it and not just cautiously optimistic.

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And the moment they stopped doing it they got a fan fiction writer to ruin what was already established, I simply want a good enough story at the very minimum, not the garbage we have been getting for the past 4 years.

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