Back from suspension for profanity. Go see my post on customer service. Time for a change

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I bet he was suspended as soon as the post was locked.

I bet this thread also disappears.

i mean do you REALLY?

Don’t think that just because there is a profanity filter, that’s your “excuse” to using foul language.

It never works like that.


The filter is to protect players from unwanted swearing, for example, to shield minors from these kinds of chats. It’s not a free card to utilise said swears.


No, I’m not challenging it, just want a clarification is all

man i fired up my computer back from cpu overheated and i come back to this. gotta love that cold wisconsin air. intel cpus no match for wisconsin winter and subzero temps.

It’s there as an extra tool for people who don’t want to see it or for parents. But the rule for no profanity has always been in place and the filter doesn’t supercede policy. The filter is not an excuse or free pass to say whatever you want.

Edit - I dunno why that replied to the wrong person. Too much happening at once I guess. Regardless, not intended for you Snipe


For better expression between friends who are (hopefully) mature adults.

Someone post the Geordi gif quick!

It’s not there to allow someone to break the rules anymore than someone wearing a bulletproof vest gives permission to be shot at. Parents not wanting to subject their underage children to the vileness of it, as an example.

Not all profanity is necessarily reportable, either. This is largely truest for RP servers.

But there are always people out there who have no tolerance for it. And Blizzard will take action if it’s reported.


I can’t wait to see how this turns out…

:popcorn: :chair:

Blizzard response is in!!


Generally speaking, if you were in a private group, guild-chat, that sort of thing, then Blizz won’t often step in as it’s assumed you joined the guild etc. intentionally. Don’t like the way they talk in guild chat, leave the guild.

That said, police wear bulletproof vests and it’s still illegal to shoot at them.

If people don’t want to get into trouble, they can use other means like Discord to have their spicy convos.


I do >.>
I hope it was worth it.

I do too. I like spicy takes.


I’m gonna go on a limb and assume his return was short lived.

In case it’s not, though, I do wish to share this:

Many people in this game have been absolutely lovely people. From the RP community to just random folks wishing me well, (I add in my RP profiles that I may have some difficulties due to medications I’m taking from a liver transplant I received) to folks I run into in dungeons and LFR even. Had a run today where the group was just having an absolute blast even while struggling against Broodmother.

Yes, there are some not pleasant folks, but honestly? There are a lot of wonderful people here, and I’m really happy to see that.

I’m not sure why you’re pushing for this change that doesn’t need to happen when you could just not curse as much. I’m sure you don’t need to.


Swear words aren’t the only things that can qualify as inappropriate language. Sexual/racist/etc words can also fall under that category I think.

I could be wrong, but I think context also plays an important part as some words are fine in certain situations but could be considered inflammatory or harassment in others.


Ah, so it’s just like an extra layer of protection then. Ig that makes sense


Yeah, it doesn’t have to be curse words to qualify for a chat violation.

Honestly, some of the most hideous stuff is said without a single curse uttered.