Well, we have nothing to do with Call of Duty and technically these are the WoW forums not Overwatch but all of our games have a Code of Conduct. If you violate that Code of Conduct there are consequences.
Using inappropriate language (i.e. Curse words), is prohibited. They have been since the very start. For those social violations we try to give people chances to change their behavior and abide by our Code of Conduct so you may receive a temporarily silence at first, which will evolve into a suspension of increasing duration if you continue to violate those policies.
Eventually, we stop giving chances.
You might not have been reported for it, but it definitely was a problem. Over the years folks have operated under a lot of misconceptions, like we don’t care, or that we don’t do anything. Apathy is one of the biggest obstacles we have had to overcome.
The process of reporting was often a little time consuming, which also dissuaded folks from reporting and when they did they very often left out key information like the character’s name or realm. So we created the right click report option that made it quick and easy to report chat folks felt violated policy.
The goal is to improve how everything works, so that peoples “ability to socialize with strangers”, when it includes toxicity and inappropriate language, isn’t as prevalent or assumed to be okay in this T for Teen rated game.
Oh, I don’t recommend that at all, Beerd.
I think you will find that the consequences of doing so are a lot less forgiving.