Back after a year break. What I've learned:

It seems the same issues still prevail after a year. Not surprising given blizzard’s track record. Since these same issues haven’t been fixed, here’s my gameplan:

Sync Queued premades? Technically against the TOS, but nobody gets banned and Blizzard doesn’t care, so i’ll just join them now.

FOTM Reroller? Sure why not. Balance has always been atrocious. Might as well enjoy the most OP class.

Ret war x (or whatever OP comp)? Same as above. Might as well enjoy the most OP composition.

Essentially, i’m just here to do what everyone hates because if Blizzard doesn’t care, why should I?

Thanks for reading my blog post.


Can’t beat 'em, join 'em. Unfortunately. Would rather have blizzard just ban the players, but it is what it is.

Oh I get why your joining them. You’ve just become part of the thing you hated

I contemplated it for a bit, but I really dont have the patience to ‘align’ queues and skip queues for games for hours on end to get a win against pugs.

Plus, the integrity part of me would just feel like im cheating in a video game lol


Pretty much. This is what wow PvP has become. Hoping for news that the next xpac will fix some of the bigger issues, but i’m dubious. It all depends on how blizz thinks they will make the most $$: continue as normal or implement real change.

One thing that’s somewhat improved (but not perfect) is gearing options for PvP. However, I’d rather be able to upgrade and choose stats for PvP gear via PvP, not crafting or other PvE methods.


Basically yes, or no, depending on how the devs feel that week. While some specs stay in the top 3 or so in Arena viability for entire expantions(current Demo WL, HDH, WW)(HDH and Druid in SL from crazy covenant power tuning), other specs are nerfed a bunch just about as soon as it is found that they are strong(Ret pally nerfed a large amount 3 days after the rework and every week for the next 5 weeks). There are over a dozen currently active pvp specific nerfs to Ret talents, abilities, and pvp talents. Thats probably how my BIS gear, all gems, enchants, embelishment Ret cannot move most specs health bars during or after its burst rotation, but my 6 day old MM hunter with 3 gear slots that are not conquest gear(including weapon) removes 80% of someones health with the first two button presses from 65 yrds away.

Having several specs you may want to play in pvp kinda ready to log on for what youd like to use them for is good. When the nerf hammer is more of a nerf atomic bomb, you still have something else in S or A tier to go play. I no longer feel like I need to terminate my sub when a tuning pass puts my spec in the mathmatically dumb to try to make it work catagory, just grab a better spec and get back to it.

As far as I am aware, they don’t have a retail PVP dev team. So whoever is tuning and balancing does not have a clue how it really affects PVP.

That does make sence, but tuning is happening, just not all of the changes made sence to me(armor nerf/buffs).

Much of the tuning affecting pvp is a product of tuning outside of pvp lacking the “does not apply in pvp” stipulation. The pvp community does not yet know how hero talents and overal spec tuning will affect TWW pvp, but it will. There is going to be a new SL Convoke or The Hunt power level ability making those hit with it just die, no reasonable amount of counterplay to be found. Yeah, folks could have hoped to stun a The Hunt while the DH was midflight from 30yrds or save there largest defensive for the Convoke from stealth off camera, but it was dark times in SL if you didnt play the one shot specs.

In TWW Warrior hero talents are looking a bit strong. More damage(large buffs and more procs of Execute), more mobility, more bladestorms doing massive damage and being cc immune more often…and Ret got two trees of likely dispellable dots…

DK can have a steed that immunes cc without losing wrath walk or three grips or spammable slows, so good luck staying out of their range and new minions that have several powerful effects.

Mage gets an ice block that lets them move, pretty cool but they are already healing in ice block and reversing time to relocate and regain health.

Hunter may be the weakest hero trees, nothing too notable in them.

I’m eager to get on beta and test things out/settle some assumptions I’ve been making and hearing.

Good to know other gamers also work out. Just turned 50 a few months ago and can still bench 255, LOL!


Solid effort bro!

Were part of the 0.075% of the world that can bench more than 225 :smiley:


255 was my best free weights, it was my reps weight but it’s been a while. I used to squat 8 times my body weight but it was with the guide so I don’t know how that translates.

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Be sure to use botting scripts as well… huge increase in players using them and seemingly without repercussions


That doesn’t sound right at all, no offense. Do you remember exactly what exercise you were doing and what the “guide” was?

A legitimate full-range back squat with free weights would be impressive enough with just 2x bodyweight.

I know what I lifted wasn’t equivalent at all to a free weight front squat but I did 1100 lbs 2 sets of 12. It was a cage with a bar guide, I have a friend that’s a competition lifter that uses the belt and he said it’s 100# more (he did like 950), he said the guide was worse but didn’t know how much. At the time I was working with a competition lifter on his leg days and he did 750 but I know 1100 isn’t a real number or I broke the current world’s record at age 17.

I did a lot of martial arts as a kid. One time my car got stuck on a snow bank and I lifted the front end and walked it a few feet, it was an RX-7 so it didn’t have much engine.

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Ah yeah, the Smith machine.

Anyway I can’t really think of what would allow a normal man to get 1100 pounds in a squat, no matter the equipment or gear used. Even simply unracking it would be a feat.

The leg press machine can achieve higher weights than the free back squat, but most use that as an ego lift where they use partial reps. :rofl:


It was the football team weight set, I don’t know the model but it was during the Nautilus era. Not having to worry about tilting and having the stop makes a big difference, maybe like 800# but without the balance I doubt I could have done that free weight.

Okay that’s definitely Smith. The guide rails took stabilizer muscles out of the equation and the stops allowed you to do partial range of motion exercises without having to fully reset. Kinda like a block deadlift.

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I set the bottom stop for below parallel and really tried to do proper lifts but I know not working the stabilizers makes a big difference. My workout partner wouldn’t let me get away with cheater reps and helped my form a lot.

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You will often see bodybuilders using this because it can allow you to really isolate certain muscles, especially quads. But you won’t catch a powerlifter using machines because nothing beats a full, free weight back squat for pure strength and size.

Anyways, I hate derailing threads but I have no clue what the OP was on about regardless. :rofl: Cheers. :beers:


Personally I love derailing troll threads :rofl:


A lot of people play WoW high and/or drunk, I try to give ranters some leeway. I was so small up top back then, 140# with huge legs. I’m mixed so I already look like a white guy that’s built like a black guy. I didn’t keep up with the gym, steroid use at the time was an issue and people were aggressive so I bought 240# of iron to work out with at home which is how I ended up with 255 (+ bar). In between it was all push ups, set ups, pull ups, road work. Now it’s mostly bicycling and not even running.

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