Azshara probably does die by the end of the raid

We still have Lorthemar, Jaina, Thalyssra and Shandris at our side. But she could also die to N’zoth I do think it is a possibility.

The point is also that she was said to be on their level by Mannaroth, who isnt one to give that ranking to someone unless he would believe it, when she was just an elf, to say nothing of how much stronger she is now. But Jaina is there, and she can fight people who fought titans, so it probably equals out thanks to Human Potential


Azshara: You caught me off guard. Fair enough. But you are as trapped here as I. This need not be the end… for any of us.

As Noravlys said, we had armies and powerful aid against Archimonde. We also don’t know how long it had been since Archimonde respawned, from being blown up by the World Tree, and if that could have weakened him.

I doubt it weakened him, Mannaroth in the same raid only just got rezzed and while we fight him at different levels of power as he gets powered up, we briefly fight him as normal Mannaroth, and while hes not stronger then us, he’s still about as strong as you’d expect him to be. He is just a powerful Pitlord at the end of the day.

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She doesn’t say at all she will help us, she is trying to make us submit without fighting.

He also have powerful auxiliary characters here.

Honestly I don’t believe WE kill her, but I 100% expect N’zoth to do it if he gets free during the cinimatic, or if its more like “Oh his prision is open and he’ll show up eventually” then it’ll 100% be Jaina, asserting herself as the most powerful magic user on Azeroth.

We only have a few peeps with us to be fair, not an army like we had with Archimonde and lets be real, Lor’themar is just a dude with a sword.

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Well, to be fair arcane magic can be as much about the “math” of overcoming a foe as the raw power of it. Jaina and Thalyssra are each talented and spent much of their lives studying the minutiae of the arcane. For all her innate power, Azshara’s never really come across as someone who would be spending a lot of time in the library memorizing formulae, experimenting with the secrets of mages past and honing the “nuts and bolts” of her craft.

She’s just so strong in magic that she can “will” things to happen, which potentially breeds the sort of magical shortsightedness that could make her vulnerable to the traps of mages who’ve always had to calculate and prefabricate their efforts based on knowledge and practice rather than just having enough arcane “muscle” to power through every situation.

Arguably like Aegwynn. As Guardian she was so innately powerful that she could simply “will” spells into existence that used to require tons of preparation, calculation and reliance upon external reagents. That’s arguably a big part of what made her arrogant and incautious enough to fall for Sargeras’ trap when she faced his avatar.

We’ll never get confirmation of that one way or another since I doubt they’ll go into Azshara’s personal life pre Queen when she would be learning those things, but I also don’t think one can become a monarch of an arcane based culture without understanding the “math” to the magic, as well as her preferred magic being enchanting, not the items version but the manipulation of the mind, which requires much more of a subtle touch then just OVER 9000 powerlevels, considering she did it to extremely well trained arch mages on the regular as well as demons which were based on an entirely different school of magic.

That’s just it, though; you can become such a monarch, because the nature of the arcane is that the more of its raw energy you can tap, the more of the “math” it does for you without having to think about it. Hence the ease with which Aegwynn as Guardian could bypass the steps of more complex spells and simply “make them happen” because she had so much pure arcane power at her fingertips.

It’d be no surprise for Azshara to be queen of the kaldorei under such terms, as the Highborne were shown to be particularly cavalier and often indifferent about treating arcane magic like a science to be carefully studied and managed. They reveled in the power, and to them having more power meant you were a better mage. It was why they were contemptuous of mages like those at Mennar Academy who advised measured study and practiced restraint with magic; to the Highborne skill and expertise, while useful, took a distant backseat to innate magical strength when determining one’s pedigree as a mage.

The only reason i would like for her to survive would be just 2

1)eventual possible future tyrande confrontation.
2)and most importantly, i wanted a villain that actually wins.

like, the naga have become such a joke after failing so much.
so i don’t really want that after she put a trap for us, reveals her position, leaves her advantage and expose herself to the mortals.
and gets destroyed by them.
That would be pretty pathetic.

The players have become such an incredibly force of destruction is not even funny.
so i will just assume that all of this is happening because she want it to happen. hell she even has lines saying “why would i want you to stop you ?”
but if she dies because she wants to, then that’s fine, don’t really care much about her. all what she does is to show up somewhere, say random evil things and get defeated.

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The imprison part is just the last phase of the Azshara fight. It’s more like confine her so we can finish her.

Even if she does dies, I expect she would just be ressurected.

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Tyrande conveniently killed her spare.
She still has 3 more for a free resurrection.