Azshara killing Sylvanas

According to Ion this is what he has to say about Azshara in 8.2
“Azshara has plans and has a role to play in the faction conflict. There are events that the players will not expect.”

I think the most unexpected thing would be Azshara killing Sylvanas. Having built Sylvanas up only to have her struck down suddenly. It would throw the faction conflict into chaos and make things interesting for once and it would be an ironic ending for Sylvanas. Would Blizzard ever have the guts to write something like that?


That’d be cool.


Well they did say this wouldn’t be a retread of MoP. I’m all for it.


Imagine Azshara laughing all smug at Sylvanas as she strikes her down. You have plans with Xalanath? Hah! Not today! The Queen has bigger plans.


If she kills Jaina and/or Anduin too I’d be for it.


“Thank you for bringing me the dagger. I heard they call you a Queen? How cute. Now see the power of a real Queen.” BOOM. Sylvanas goes down. The camera zooms in on Nathanos. He has an undead tear in his eye as he yells wanting to Lok’tar Ogar charge Azshara, but Rokhan restrains him and says “We have to be gettin’ da Horde soldiers outta 'ere mon, we cannot fight!” The Horde runs with huge tidal waves crashing behind them. Nathanos opens the door to Baines prison cell and begrudgingly tells him the other leaders elected him Warchief.


Now that’s a story I could get behind. Would be such a meaningful impact for Azshara to have instead of destroying an Alliance fleet that could just be built up again eventually.


Sylvanas getting disintegrated by Azshara would be histerical, i could imagine it now. Sylvanas would put on that stupid smug face of hers’, she tries to death mist Azshara, and then just gets vaporized by a massive blast of arcane energy or whatever magic Azshara uses nowadays.


I’m not optimistic.

Remember, the mystery of who burnt Teldrassil was supposed to be a “surprise” too. Then it turned out to be the very person we all figured it would be, and the one literally standing in the foreground of the promotional art… yeah… how shocking.


What I wanna see is Azhsara violate Jaina in a mage battle. What better way to send Jaina to the afterlife than in a battle against the strongest mage in the history of Warcraft? I mean we’re talking about someone who was as powerful as Archimonde and Kil’jaeden before the Sundering. Since then, she received her tentacle powers from N’Zoth and had thousands of years to grow her own magic in addition to possible void powers from an Old God.

I don’t want to see another Warchief die and Jaina is getting way too cocky for her own good. It’s time someone put her down. This probably won’t happen though because Jaina (and Anduin of course) is Christie Golden’s favourite character.


So long as it’s executed (no pun intended) better than Vol’jin’s death and has an actual purpose I’d be all for it.



Sylvanas kills Jaina
Azshara kills Sylvanas
Baine is Warchief now
Alliance is furious with Jaina’s death and launches a bloodthirsthy attack on the Horde
Horde reataliates

And scene

That’d be wack and would make no sense. It’s much more interesting to see the once former ruler of the Kaldorei Empire turned villain in a twist of things slaying Sylvanas the perpetrator of genocide upon the Night Elves while still maintaining her villain status. It’s time to reveal who the real Queen is.


You Christie Golden by any chance?

It’s actually interesting you say that since all three of these ladies had their own Warbringers shorts. Yes, let’s have Azshara kill both of them! Just imagine, Azshara the strongest mage and the real queen reclaims BOTH titles by killing Jaina and Sylvanas. And nothing of value will be lost.


Jaina’s getting too cocky? That’s rich.

She got disowned by her own mother and tormented on her failures for the entire 1st part of the expansion.

Sylvanas commited mass murder twice, blighted her own troops, and tried raising someone as Forsaken to strip them of their free will and turn them into a weapon, and soon is going to try using an old god powers as a weapon against the Alliance while still managing to get away with little to no consequence. Safe to say the only one too cocky for her own good, here, is Sylvanas.


well, indeed the most unexpected thing would be the death of sylvanas/jaina/anduin in 8.2

and i bet that if sylvanas dies, the only one who could balance that would be jaina, both are wc3 characters and have strong story not only in the lore but also in their respective factions.

i seriously doubt that any of those 3 are dying.

but i am not agaisn’t the death of any of those characters if is done properly. by example an heroic sacrifice is the best way to die.

if their characters arcs have to end with their deaths, so be it.
just… don’t kill them randomly by giving them a stupid death like they did with voljin.


Yikes, this is what happens when you only play the Alliance scenarios and then come crying on the forums about Sylvanas. Regardless, I am not here to defend Sylvanas, though I am definitely more informed about the story than somebody like you. Hint** The Horde were given masks before she threw down the blight ;).

As for Jaina, she’s nothing but a racist like her father, but it’s understandable. I don’t blame her. This quote is from her own Warbringers short: “My father once told me that peace was like a dream: Beautiful. Ephemeral. Unattainable. I didn’t listen… No one listened. Father… I’m listening now


Well this would definitely go along with the rest of the subpar fan fiction level of writing of the entire faction conflict.


Okay, sad about Sylvanas, but sure whatever.

What no



Where is she racist?