Azjol Nerub harder than Shadowlands M+10

It may not be a bug. Early in the dungeon there are like 3 or 4 packs of mobs that have one caster that winds up a long spell that hits hard AF. Those casters need to die first or be interrupted. If your tank, like many inexperienced tanks, chain pulled and had a couple of those mobs tee off, it will feel like a bug.

Which has gotten us exactly nowhere. I’ll point you to the Guild UI and Permissions thread that’s been up for YEARS and all of the threads complaining about the scaling since 9.0 dropped and Blizz saying “it’s fine.”

While I hate when people have no argument and just say, “unsubscribe,” at this point, Blizz doesn’t care.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you seriously think that they would come here and respond? They can’t even uphold their promise of better communication from 2018 (if I recall correctly). Please, they have the right to express their anger and frustration. Blizzard isn’t going to suddenly uphold an old promise.

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I can understand your frustration, but you are talking about a company that released “Warcraft 3 reforged” and refused to give refunds until the situation got out of their hands. I honestly don’t know what your expectations are.

I had insane trouble healing that boss too, and Shadowlands had been already launched. While leveling my Priest we had two wipes and an almost wipe on our kill for that boss. It was the first time this guy gave me that much trouble since I started playing the game, and I leveled all healers (except Disc Priest) through that boss, some specs more than once.

I think that’s Ahn’Kahet instead. And yes, that spell HURTS.

Right now my expectations are “not leveling another character” or “not doing any dungeons before Lv50”.

But I see people complaining that scaling has screwed up some legacy raids that should be soloable where I wanted to farm xmogs, so I’m kinda hoping they fix those, if they’re really broken.

I’m assuming the tank pulled two spiders casters and no one interrupted shadow crash. That thing still hurts, cc is your friend.

I understand it could have been bad gameplay on our part and we could have done better, but I’m just wondering if every other time I have been in that dungeon everyone played well and in this single instance everyone ignored mechanics. I don’t think so.

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The caster mobs in AN have always been able to grease a tank. They have to be interrupted.

During Lich King, it was normal for AN to take more than an hour to clear.

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