Azjol Nerub harder than Shadowlands M+10


When you post one thing blizzard doesn’t like after 5k post.

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How else would he take it? It’s affecting him after all…

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I’ll admit scaling is an issue in some cases, but then again, most toons don’t have all the toolkits thanks to Blizzard.

Too bad this guy isn’t a Blizz dev.

I disagree completely.

For several expansions now they have deliberately set out to make new expansions incompatible with the previous one, so players would have to jump in and replace critical gear and start to work it up without relying on what they earned in the previous expansion.

They’ve also been stealth sneaking harder mechanics into earlier dungeons to try to force levelers to git gud by learning this stuff on the fly.

I stopped tanking low level dungeons on my guardians after level scaling, when it suddenly felt like I had only half a toolkit. Previously there was no issue even tanking the lowest level dungeons.

Late in Legion and during BfA I leveled a lot of characters. From week to week I could see changes to mechanics in those dungeons. And as tank I got tired of being the unpaid teacher who was supposed to inform players how to survive in dungeons that never had “one shot wipe” mechanics during memory, or heroic cata mechanics added to vanilla dungeons because “those people won’t even notice, they’ll just git gud”.

Yeah, level 10’s should use their nonexistent interrupts, stuns, and other utility spells. That’s just stupid.

I no longer queue to run dungeons. I carry my characters through them on a higher level for the quests only. Let Blizzard do something to help people learn how to play the game beyond useless and false info in the dungeon journal (lists 3 boss attacks that have 1000+ yard range, how is this useful to anyone?) This formerly indentured servant is done with the dungeon finder.

I said the level squish was going to break the entire game, and I was right. Much of their time for the forseeable future will be spent finding how players are managing to play broken content and “fixing” it so that content can’t be played anymore. But at least if no one is playing something, they’re not playing it wrong!

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Just to be clear: what I meant by “having a new leveling system is awesome” is: the attempt to make it possible for everyone to level together and experience whichever legacy stuff they wish to.

But that didn’t happen as it should. As you said, low levels lack skills, scaling is grossly miscalculated, harder dungeons show up for people with no clue what to do, etc.

This is exactly what I’m complaining about: scaling numbers is easy if you do it without any care for balance. For most of WoW’s history, balance was most important on max level, but now that you can have a lv10 and a lv50 in the same dungeon, it’s important for all levels, and they either didn’t notice it (which is bad) or just pretended they didn’t notice it (which is worse).

Imaigne being in queue for 10 minutes or more, only to enter a dungeon with a composition that has so much trouble advancing that everyone just decides to give up and go back to queue for an attempt at a luckier draw.

Are you BLIZZARD? No, but apparently you have this information that either blizzard lacks or doesnt care to fix.

LFG is in game. So whoever decides to play tank gets invited to play that role in any dungeon. Whether its 60 or 20 , ensuring a tank’s viability is BLIZZARDs job.

Why else would any 1 roll a tank if they know that tank is useless. If Brewmaster are not supposed to be rolled , remove it from game.

No it wasn’t, it’s under the support option in the game menu just like it had always been. It just has a different interface now as it more closely mimics the browser support.

It’s literally opening a window with a rudimentary web browser to take you to the web site to file your report. Completely different to the native bug reporting interface in the game UI that used to exist (and still does, of course, in beta).

Yeah…I stopped queueing to heal while leveling for a long time after being kicked from mana tombs for not being able to heal the eye boss with a constant 500% cast speed reduction + the entire party taking 30%+ of their health every 3 seconds.

That was before SL pre-patch, but it just goes to show that scaling has had a lot of dumb issues.

Auto-scaling may be the one of the big things that ruined the world-feel for me in WoW. Yes, it’s nice to be able to queue for any dungeon, but at the same time there’s no point where you go “nice, I’m finally at the point where I can do X dungeon.”

Some of them still unlock later, but they remain the same difficulty regardless of your strengths.

After watching AWC today and doing a lot of random BGs recently, I’m sad to say that I’m probably done with WoW for good once my sub runs out. Auto-scaling is lazy, and removes what an RPG is supposed to be about in my mind.

I do believe it was removed at the start of the expansion (I couldn’t find it in the same spot,) but yeah it’s there now.

Your head looks like a strange watermelon.

It’s still available in-game is it not?
Even the old design was nothing like the integrated bug report system in beta.
It was still just open support window, click submit bug, write report.

Really the only thing that changed is the interface.

Well, yeah, but it’d be faster to just tab out and hit up the web site in a web browser that isn’t hamstrung by being a cobbled-together add-on with no hardware acceleration, and with a window that’s not restricted to postage-stamp size.

And aside from all that, the fact remains that they’re more interested in making you go away rather than hearing your bug report.

Hence why, outside of beta, I don’t bother any more. All your “report” does is create a support ticket that, three weeks later, will be answered with a copypasta response and closed.

for all of BFA every time I did one of the legion broken isles assaults there was one world quest that was scaled improperly to max level instead of to character level.

I reported that bug twice and it was never fixed so I don’t buy that.

Yeah… I know. But they keep claiming we’re not reporting this stuff. So now I’m going to get really obnoxious about the reports. :smiling_imp:

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wait what is that exploit? never heard of it

I mean I’m not sure what you expect, or if you are even thinking about the same thing.
Not sure about you, but I’ve never received a response back from a bug submission from live, ptr, or beta.

It’s a one way submission of “yeah this thing is happening that shouldn’t”.
Which they then receive to identify and potentially address.

What you have mentioned sounds like actually opening a ticket regarding an issue, which has never really been the correct way to report a bug.
That’s a report for something directly affecting your character/ability to play.

If you don’t want to report bugs due to the change in interface then that’s your call to make. However by doing so you basically give up your right to complain about potential bugs in game as you have admitted to not assisting with reporting them.

You drop the toy in front of the workshop doors, the vehicles can’t drive out. Demon hunters were jumping over the walls and dropping it in the base at the start. Dropping it during the first fight at SR. Hell one game, every single workshop was toyed.

Enough players have done just that and never came back. Encouraging more to do the same is not smart. The less money they make the less they spend to make the game. It would be better to instead request that blizz fixes their game so players stop walking away.