Azjol-Nerub Alliance Reconnections

I was Izzythewolf dwarf pally Guild master of the Black Rose Society if any of you are out there love to chat still playing Definitely looking for redwarrior Mord and my 3 aussie morning companions so drop me a line @ Aahz#11431 If your still out there and coming back to classic

Manitou here, worst tank ever, wider, not shorter than we last met. Good times with an excellent guild. Hope all is well with you and dracule, and smark, and grim, and latra…

Please sing Dust in the Wind, just for old times sake.

Woah clammy!!
Was sarea/exitonlys old better half. Hi Sara!

It’s me Coltongrundy, Coltonduex

AOTK early days
Clan Battlehammer

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Oh way of the warrior. How I remember accidentally ninjaing something from lbrs to make that key. I looted it on accidentally and boom got insta kicked lol. I remember ol Jimmy (Knoxville) got me in that guild

Hey Nate I was with you back then Daxtin (Dwarf Hunt), Wardax, Paldax. We played with Milen (Annoying twirp). I still play regularly on Blackhand in Normal WOW (Main is Munkdax) and now also playing on Pagle server in Classic (Runeshaprdax-Dwarf Priest). Anyways good to see you around. Cant believe you remembered the guild names , nice. :slight_smile:

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I have been wonder how you have been doing.

ETA I’m on blackwater raiders, NE Hunter under this name.

Haxel? This is Abnerces and Cacee. What are you guys planning for Classic

How goes it Danth Been some time Say hi to Nef for Abnerces and Cacee

Big it’s Athanagild NE Rogue

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Alurna - Human Paladin - Agents of the Kirin Tor
Allyce- NE Rogue - Agents of the Kirin Tor

Raided and pvp’d way too much. Active with guild through TBC in it’s entirety.

Dreax and I used to go hard with KoV. There were several others but damn that was so long and my memory is failing.

Looking for Danktank, Keiran, Valoroc, Drg, and anyone else who remembers me.

After the launch craziness, I ended up playing on Atiesh. Human Priest Alurna

/wave Boradun and Kuragerra


Hi again, have you both made characters on Mankrik yet by chance?!

Hi Boradun. Thanks for posting those vids on Youtube of our raids.

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Hey Clam. Hey Brodequin. Nice to hear old names.

Hey Vet. Berc hasn’t been around but I know someone who talks to him from time to time. Grond and PH I have on my Btag. How are you?

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Nish, I heard you talked to Danktank (from Dulda/Tiffany). Is he playing by chance?

HA!! I remember those deadmine runs, Yes I am planning on playing classic that’s for sure! my blizzard ID: yozshal#1673

I played a human rogue named Noble, and a human warrior named Korchalak.
Was in Illegal danish, and Obsolete
Couple names that come back to memory are Eolz - NE druid, Dithara - NE druid, Garrison - human warrior, Nitos - NE hunter, Taures - human mage


Kirsten - Human Warlock, from Nosotros, Requiem and/or Disbanded.


Dank hasn’t been on Btag in 3 months. I don’t know if he’ll be on sooner or later. Why don’t you join the aotk discord and we can share info?