Azjol-Nerub Alliance Reconnections

oh sweet. hey man lol yea let me know where u guys end up going would be cool to play together again

I remember Evilmage and BlackBetty from KoV

Played Rutan and Nanaki in Valiant Crusaders with Valim and Nativelight

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Awh sh*t. I remember you and Sirsteele

Hey Bossco, add me moldyballz4u#1800 and we can give you our discord. Small group of us.

OMG hi Outtie! Nef says hi too.

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Well look who it is

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Cool no pressure! Would love to see you in there, and nah I was a frost mage but I did run the flag a ton of WSG double frost block and ice barrier blinking my butt off usually with dreax or osoladin healing the heck out of me the entire time and Kura on his spriest fear bombing and picking people off. Good times man.

Hey Gwyth! Great to see you’re still around too! I’ll try to track you down on Disc!


Hello all!
Characters: Santai (paladin) and Twodolla (mage)
Guild: The Dark Legion

Going to be playing Horde on Pagel.

Darkknight, Paladin and Guild Leader of The Dark Legion, which is still around and raiding. TDL is also forming a Horde Guild on Pagle with close to 40 people planning to join us so far. Our goal is to get back into raiding and we welcome anyone who is interested in playing with an Original Classic guild to join us.

Feel free to reach me on bnet or Discord @ Darkknight#1577 (bnet) or Darkknight#7288 (discord). Anyone who is interested are also welcome to join our guild Discord to catch up with other Vanilla raiders.


OOps… Didn’t notice I was logged in as an alt. OG Darkknight here.


Cheetai lvl 60 NE priest Guild: The Dark Legion. Plan on joing them for Classic and hopefully ill have enough time to raid, but if not then pvp it is.

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Aramill - human mage
looking forward to catching up with anyone from guild or anyone that was on back then to have some fun again

I remember Way of the Warrior!
I cant remember if i was in it but I will join if I see you!

Any of my ole or buds out there?

Grondel, Berc, Phoenixhawk…?

Paladinfive – Agents Of The Kirin Tor guild before they moved away.
I used to be on and off this paladin and my hunter, Dragmaster. I knew a lot of yall that are posting on here but looking for a select few of my friends

To all the DoE and AOTK members on Mankrik add me to your list Daginn#11778

I was in AC and moved to norgannon when they did was izzythewolf

Hey Yllia… I was izzythewolf leader of the Black Rose Society ,do you know if mushroom and moorhsum still play they were a riot