Azjol-Nerub Alliance Reconnections

Hiya Slappy o/ A few, yes. And I’m guessing quite a few of us will find one another again once the grind begins.

Hey Slappywag! I remember you! Not sure if you remember me /wave! You’re welcome to join the reconnecting discord exitonly is on there plus a few others from AOTK.

Yay Azjol-Nerub! I played Kaldrin, Dwarf Paladin. I was in The Squirrel Hunters, Valiant Crusaders, Fire Within, and Sanctity. Hopeful that some of my old friends are playing again in Classic. Hit me up folks, let’s explore together again! Other characters I played on A-N during Vanilla were Rorlean, Dwarf Rogue. Dulnosh, Gnome Mage. Avelynn, Night Elf Druid.

Anyone heard from Cynk, the NE warrior? He was my buddy.


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Yeah man, your name is really familiar. Was it DoE you were an officer in?

Nah I was an officer in balanced blade, then moved to AOTK and towards the end I was in undecided. But I remember running with you a fair bit and shooting the breeze on vent.

Does anyone know if Haxiom or Outtie still plays?

Good: A buncha old vanilla players came back!

Bad: Everyone’s on a ****in’ different server. *****


@Mandragoran and DoE… Here’s our first UBRS run in May 2005:

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Sup, Grimmy. It’s Gaara from years back. I was lookin’ for you on that other server you went to, couldn’t find ya!

Good to see ya again on the forums.

Main: Yllianna NE hunter, changed to Lannea
also had toon names of Allianna, Ylli, Yllia, Ezralia…
Guilds: Heavens Fallen Angels, Black Rose Society, Balanced Blade, then Knights of the Runes.
I started the game with my brother Mad (gnome mage) and moved guilds with him. We’ve tried reaching out to a few ppl on but haven’t heard back from most of them.
I mainly did world pvp and battlegrounds, some raiding. Hello again! is Yllianna#1633

That’s pretty cool to see 14 years later. I didn’t realize anyone had gotten video of that, or maybe I had realized, but in my old age, I have forgotten. Amazingly cool, thank you for sharing. I do remember the multiple guild raid(s) surprise Christmas present we delivered to the Horde on Christmas Day in 2005 I believe it was; about 200-300 Alliance raided Undercity. There’s a video of that floating around out there somewhere but can’t remember who had it.


Tarathis NE Hunter DoE.

Hey boss long time no see.

Well I’ll be :smile: Lost your number a while back. How have you and the guys been? Good to see you!

Not me in the video, but from Azjol.

Nice to see you sir. There was a Jaz on private servers I always sort of hoped was you.

I didn’t see my response attach to yours, so trying again. Copying earlier response.

Well I’ll be :smile: Lost your number a while back. How have you and the guys been? Good to see you!

I played a female Night Elf Hunter named Pentom. I was in a very small guild called Lonestar. Would love to find some of my old guildmates or friends.

Hope you do.

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