Holy crap, Kid! Good to see you! Know what server you’re rolling?
I’m Ayresaelian of Undecided MT/PvP and I was in Infusion for a long while. Most likely will roll on a normal realm Atiesh or Pagle, will be warrior tanking again. Possibly going Stalagg (PvP) if my group of friends is adamant about it.
Been a long time.
Ruek - Warrior
Physics - Priest
Histeria - Paladin
Ambas - Druid
PVP’d with Epiphany quite a bit. Did some BWL/AQ40/Naxx on norgnannon when the free transfer came up then came back to Azjol-Nerub for TBC/Wrath. Cataclysm and CBH.
IGN: Ellron
Race: NE
Class: Warrior
Faction: Alliance
Guilds: Abandoned and Balanced Blade
I was 12/13 years old when I dps/tanked for both of these guilds haha! Out of the big 40 man raids I cleared MC, and Ony with Abandoned and cleared BWL with Balanced Blade. I also remember helping out Anzacs (alliance Australian guild on the server) with MC and getting to see a piece of the legendary drop in MC.
If anybody remembers me from Abandoned, we have a facebook group of players from the Classic days. If anybody recognizes me or the guilds I was in and wants to reconnect, hit me up on discord!
Discord: Zaitus#9264
IGN: Gerin
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Faction: Alliance
Guilds: Titans, Exalted Legacy, and Oathsworn
Cleared MC, BWL, AQ40 up to Twin Emps and kill a few bosses in Naxx with Titans was a blast
Avengedsaint - NE Rogue
Used to be in guild Bellatorius and Obsolete. Used to do lots of PVP and raiding.
Looking for old friends Breadman (M Dwarf Hunter), Caladina (F Human Paladin) and Risca (M NE Rogue).
Are you the Penny I remember? I was Cathana, Trehugger, or Sethescar.
I also played another character if anyone remembers it, Ziona a druid tank. Tanked for a few different guilds.
Grimbalin. Dwarf Paladin. Drunk.
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Hello everyone, I see some familiar names here.
I played Jaz, Night Elf Druid in Agents of the Kirin Tor
I spent most of my time in vanilla running circles in WSG.
Good to see some old names I recognize. Lots of old AOTK showing up.
I’d like to cross paths with Martini a druid officer in Agents, February, a druid in Undecided, and Ghaleonagas.
/wave at everyone. Looks like I’ll be playing druid again on Whitemane. Hope to see you all out there!
My husband and I were in DOE with both Mand and Llew. He played Elfuegoelf and I was Wingsofdealth. We’d love to know what server to reconnect.
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Hey Khull, been a long time. Good to see you’re still around these parts.
Gwythidian-NE Hunter
Abandoned, Unknown
Disc: Gwyth#2283
Played in Defenders of Eternity and Agents of Kirin Tor Played a dwarf rogue named Daginn. Currently playing on Mankrik on classic if anyone is on that server look me up! It will be cool to play again
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Howdy folks. I was curious if anyone from the guild Black Dragon Syndicate were still around.
I was:
Pandemona - Nigh Elf Hunter
Onilink - Night Elf Druid
Demonpanda - Gnome Warlock
Kalei - Human Warrior
Hi there! I remember! How have you both been? It’s been so long! Right now there about 20-25 of us, some returning Defenders of Eternity members as well as some newer folks that have played wow, but never played classic. Right now the target server is Mankrik, but am waiting until we get closer to launch to see where everyone reserved their names. Someone actually beat me to the punch with my name, so I had to put a symbol over one of the vowels to get Mand in some fashion. Let me know what your names are so I can reach out to you in game if you like. I’ll check back here as well. o/
Oh wow, Daginn. How have you been? DoE will be reforming, more than likely Mankrik as well. Hope to see you there!
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Doing good! Super excited to reconnect with people and play classic after all these years! If you are headed to mankrik I will keep my eyes open for you!
It can’t be an Azjol-Nerub discussion without a guild ad for Lovisa Loves You.
I was a Human Warlock named Hellx. Like Helix. but. but Hell-X. you know. because warlock.
…Nobody got it.
Anyway I also had a rogue named Hellsun, which was originally a play on van helsing, but I kept the hel- look. I didn’t realize how bad these names were when I was a kid, let me LIVE lmao
most of my time was spent shredding people in WSG, and while I honestly cannot remember too much about the people I played with, because I was far too young… I hope everyone is still doing well! (This is that rogue.)
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I remember you as well! There was some confusion because your name was Wingsofdeath and my brother’s name was Deathwings haha
OMG hi Exitonly! Also, hi Mandragoran. Any still around?
-Slappywag, 60 Drawf Priest
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