What up What up What up. I was a 60 NE Druid that some called Papanature. I kicked it with the Knights of Carnage. REPRESENT. CHULA IF YOU OUT THERE GET AT ME!!! RANGER YOU TOO, MAME NOT YOU. NO ONE LIKE YOU. snoochie boochies. <3
O-O skillet!? Dude it’s Rimmon! Holy hell what’s up man!
Zangarr and ShadowX…I remember both of you guys. It’s Rimmon. Also sorry I changed your warlocks name to Rillan
Holy hell Rimmon you’re still alive, I’m so happy to see you man. I actually reserved Rimmon and Jizzel on my server lmao. Also, don’t worry about the name change, the warlock was yours at the time.
I still remember the run we did for my epic mount with Corkscrew. Good times.
Lookin’ for people that I used to play in the 19 pvp bracket with. From any of the guilds Double Eagle Alliance, Lazer Gun Crew, Damage Inc. I had a gnome rogue named Paenut and a priest named Igiveyouheal
How could I forget!? I haven’t checked these forums in a long while after diving into Classic. Come to Mankrik and look up Defenders of Eternity and message me or anyone you recognize. Your name has been mentioned on more than one occasion when talking about old guildies
My toons name was Thelantern, but my RL friend who got me in DWL was Unbeliveable, Dwarf Warrior
Cath NE Rogue? Not sure if you remember a certain NE hunter Tyr?
Clambasadr Gnome Mage
Eclipse Nelf Priest
Redbull Dwarf Hunter
XANNON IT’S LILYEANA. ne druid from guildless / jaded!
Maybe too late but looking for Caellechan. Human Mage from DoE and eventually Jaded. You made me a chopper and ghosted. I miss you cael. Farming trees was never the same without. you.
Kirsten! and Chooroub! holy WoW!!!
Y’all can find me on Faerlina BCC @Eqlipse
Guys feel free to add me Clambasadr#1925