My characters name was Ranoland
I was a Night Elf druid and I was in the guild Cataclysm up to about WoTLK
I was a restoration druid that end-gamed and began playing when the game was first released.
Used to play as a 60 Rogue in the guild High Rollers, My Rogues name was Azus.
Looking to see if any of my old guildies are coming back such as Guuchtastis, Kenshun, Ltcash.
Who In AOTK did you play with?
-kittikai lol
Taures - human mage.
Jumped guilds a bit but raided with AOTK and Undecided for a while. I know there were a couple others over the years but I’m drawing a blank.
Lots of PVP and I remember the rivalry with KoV and specifically evilmage. Fun times!
I wish I could remember more names but this thread definitely jogged my memory a bit!
Noble I remember all the hours spent hanging out in goldshire haha. Good times.
I now play classic on skeram. Horde mage Synix
Hi kitty! I remember playing with you a few times. you had a ton of alts from what I remember. I think you ran a ton with that one warlock can’t remember his name.
I ran around with workingdog, skyblu, Kura, Danktank, Sangre, archemedeus, Kolme, Gimli AOTK was a big guild so played with pretty much everyone at one point or another.
Feel free to drop in the AOTK discord. We’ve got around 30+ old agents in there I’m sure a lot of them would love to hear from you.
I can’t remember the name of the guild now, but back then we played together in classic, Rajon was my pallys name.
Yutaka - Night Elf Hunter. I was so young when i started playing. I was in the guild Ørion. Would love to reconnect with some of the guild mates from way back when!
I remember both names, but that’s about all I remember honestly!
Tanew and Jerinna’s son. Tanew and Jerinna split up. Sleater is now married to Jerinna.
Bro! Holy crap dude, I haven’t seen that name in about a decade, you might remember me (i worked on your computers a lot)!
I played a female Gnome Warlock named Ckorra. My husband also played at that time, he was a Nightelf Hunter named Silverio. We switched servers at Lich King and lost touch with alot of people we knew. I am looking for two friends who both played humans. A mage (?) named Kevinmrstowe and another human toon but I forget his name. If anyone recognizes me, I’d love to hear from you!
Windtaker NE Hunter
I believe the guild was Advent Eternity
Azn NE Warrior
Alliance Secret Service
Breadman crazysword tracenta viadarkness bellanotte where y’all at?!?!
Homeskillet NE war from OEG here.
the nostalgia from this thread is amazing.
i was also the rogue secretsqrl and the druid fringemonkey(the only one i have left)
Fringemonkey#7620 if anyone wants to reconnect.
Jizzel and Rimmon where are you guys!
Your toon, Homeskillet, sounds so familiar! Man, I wish I could remember everyone’s name. Jizzel is definitely a name I remember seeing on a regular basis.
I remember both of you, the good old days in oeg. Plus I still remember Jizzel, Thorax, Anar, Eldergrubel, Lissette, Mad and so many others. Not a warrior this time around, but using he same name and playing on thunderfury.
I raided as Corruption a gnome mage, with my buddies Zangarr a NE hunter and Defile a gnome Warlock. We raided with Chronus for years
We all played DotA together for years but i lost his number.
Sanctus was our MT and i remember Gerin as well
I raided with your clear through Naxx. Name was Corruption, a gnome mage
My buddies Zangarr and Defile were always slacking off and being retarded.
I remember when you joined
Ah, good ol’ DWoL.
Last I checked (it’s been over a year, though) the guild was still alive, but with just 2 characters in it; one of Snake’s and one of mine. I gave up retail awhile ago, but figured I’d give classic a try for awhile just for giggles.
And I’m not incredibly imaginative when it comes to character names, so it’s probably obvious that I was Vulturefu & Uferutluv
Holy crap. Mame. It’s me…Papanature. I know you remember