Azhara LFR needs a nerf

Ion Hazzikostas:

“LFR justifies the creation of more raid content when millions of players are able to see content. Only a few thousand people actually saw Kel’thuzad, but millions saw Deathwing. The reason Mists of Pandaria is starting with 18 bosses and adding larger raid tiers than we have had previously is because many players are going to see the raids through LFR.”

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False? So you want to dispute what the WoW team lead actually said?

Ion Hazzikostas:

“LFR justifies the creation of more raid content when millions of players are able to see content. Only a few thousand people actually saw Kel’thuzad, but millions saw Deathwing. The reason Mists of Pandaria is starting with 18 bosses and adding larger raid tiers than we have had previously is because many players are going to see the raids through LFR.”

I suggest you do research before spouting off again.

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Oh, you get me wrong. LFR is fine as it is, and works perfectly for those who wish to just jump in and see the content.

The real problem lies on the majority of playes who use the system. You know who i’m talking about, the people who instantly die, go afk or autoattack the whole fight.

Those people are the ones who make LFR a cesspool, and by doing that, ruin the run of those who are doing their best to down a boss.

This issue is not fixable, of course. Those who refuse to improve have their right to be there and be carried. The only way to avoid that frustration is to move on to harder and more organized content, leaving the AFK people to AFK together infront of Azshara.

Oh, I apologize then, I misunderstood you. My wrong. I’m sorry for being such jerk.

I dunno, my LFR experience has been very good. I raided a little in BC and a bit more in Wrath (got up to ulduar when I quit), but hated it, so LFR has been a godsend for me. And the last time I remember LFR being a real toxic was back in SoO, and since then, I rarely had any bad groups, and the handful of times I did, I could always quit and queue again later.

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In the time it would take LFR players to finish a wing I would have normal in a pug group at least 6 or 7 of 8 complete.

Someone above said they don’t have time for scheduled raiding but they have the time to spend 2-3 hours a week on LFR… :roll_eyes:

It’s not even worth responding to threads like these anymore. I truly don’t understand these people.

Do you seriously think I sit there and AFK for loot? That’s both hilarious and sad.

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I haven’t tried Azhara on LFR difficulty yet.

I need to actually do some raiding to get those little upgrade stuff to make my better alchemy stones…

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This is the guy that claims he’s never been to LFR< but knows 100% first hand, all people afk through LFR, and somehow complete it while afk, he also wants LFR removed.


I know some people afk on LFR, but thats on like wing 1 or 2…you afk on wing 3…uhhh yeah, you wont finish it cause you will be kicked in a heart beat.

Sign me up for that raid system!

No, the reward isn’t worth the effort in there aside from the trinkets imo, and my solution is to not run it anymore since I have what I want out of there, considering that’s pretty much bis until I eventually get the normal / heroic upgrades to that particular effect.
It’s pretty simple. If you’re clearing normal much easier then um…do that?

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Its been out a week has it? Took my guild about 4hrs to learn azshara on normal. A few more weeks and ppl will start to get the hang of azshara in lfr too. Its an interesting fight on normal and its pbbly fun on lfr too.

My guild was having problems soaking the runes on the ground cause we were a small group. The moment that slightly decrease timer nerf came out, we one shot it.

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People often believe that organized raiding = guild raiding. While raiding with a dedicated guild group truly requires a larger amount of invested time, pugs do not.

You can join a pug anytime you want and also leave anytime you want, you are not expected to stay and no one will be upset if leave right after a boss kill. You also have the power to choose what boss you want, to a certain degree. Groups form to kill a particular boss every minute, and its much faster than waiting the queue.

I also believe a lot of people avoid pugs because they think people are going to be toxic and yell at them, but from my experience, people in pugs have been nicer than frustrated people in LFR.


Crappy gear…yes. Nerf it…NO. Wipe once. Learn. Defeat.


Right? -giggle-

Right. I try not to AFK, but sometimes I need 30 seconds to take care of a bio break or something. Other than that, I participate even if I really don’t feel like it.

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I 100% agree, organized raiding =/= guild raiding.

All of my heroic clears and AoC’s in Legion was done via pugs, where I could raid on my own time without having a set schedule. I mean, in general 95% of the content i’ve done since MoP has been completed via pugs but I was more active in Legion.

This is easily the biggest benefit. I worked full-time and went to school full-time for 3 years so I wouldn’t have to take out loans. This was the only way I could still enjoy the game, I could pug a heroic raid, wipe out 1-2 bosses when I had the time on a given day, and either segment the rest over the course of the week or wait until the weekend where I could finish the rest in one go.

I’ve always tanked though, so others mileage may vary. I never had to wait longer than 5-10 minutes for a group.

This is true as well. People only get annoyed when you legit do not know mechanics and when the question is asked before pulling if anyone has questions and that person who epic failed on mechanics was quiet they deserve it IMO. People are willing to help, but we need to know you need it. No one is going to scream at you for having questions, when I cleared normal this week I told my group straight up I had no Azshara experience. What did they do? They patiently explained the fight and let me get experience in the fire. We wiped one time just to show me the fight, then killed her on the 2nd pull with zero issues.

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Do people do anything other then heroic/mythic? I mean that actually matters.
Openworld content can get you all the way to 420 ilvl if you get lucky procs.

It’s not that LFR is hard, is just that people that raid through LFR are too lazy to put themselves to do real content and too bad to do basic mechanics. That’s just it.

You’re being purposefully disingenuous here, and it does you no credit. For that “one” guild in trade chat there are 4-5 more just looking for halfway decent players. Most don’t require high-level achievements and are just looking for someone that is willing to listen and to learn.

I get it though, that doesn’t fit your narrative so you feel that you must exaggerate in order to prove your point. People seem to do that a lot here.

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