I would assume you can just go back. The mobs may not scale anymore, and I have no idea if they’ll grant experience or not, but nothing should prevent you from finishing the questing experience.
Y’know, this is a small and piddly thing, but after a few years away I’m finding myself really appreciating how fast this game loads. I’ve most recently been busying myself with FFXIV, BG3 and Civ 6. They have in common that it’s an investment of time to actually start playing. With WoW, it feels like I just click a couple buttons and in seconds I’m bappin’ around in Azeroth.
I was still playing off a hard drive during legion days and I got real well acquainted with that varian-scowling-at-a-demon loading screen trying to get into Dalaran, but these days yeah it is very painless
If you plan to collect Night Fae soul shapes, I recommend parking your character in the Night Fae covenant before you move on from Shadowlands content. You can still earn some soul shapes from pvp and pve content and sometimes it’s like whoa nice when you get one after a comp stomp battleground or dungeon.
They have a cute spa in Bastion, I liked leveling my fishing there.
Anyway big spoilers but my grievance with the blue people and bluther is basically his whole I’m evil thing was to like, I guess explain the jailed soul split thing he did to Sylvannas and we’re supposed to be like ohhh so Teldrassil wasn’t her fault but it is but we forgive stupid sexy bluther for murdering a buncha blue people with devos??? Idk I guess kyrians don’t count since they got brain washed and aren’t really people anymore I guess??? LOL
Oh for sure!! I had a great time doing all the zone quests in BfA (except Stormsong) because it was all mostly removed from the abysmal war story.
Shadowlands also has a lot of great moments and some actually cool ideas. Unfortunately it gets squandered on boring Azeroth characters and Anduin x Sylvannas drama.
You get to turn into a sparkling fun animal and they came out with a toy so you can basically be a glowly fun animal indefinitely (in rested areas). The downside is the soul shapes are character specific so whatever you unlock on Azhaarder you can’t use on another character.
One of things I always appreciated about WoW, is that you could literally run the game off a USB drive. I’m running it now off an external SSD and it loads/plays ridiculously smooth and fast.
Also folks on the Discords know exactly what kind of horrors lurk within the Cursed Archives
Speaking of tips, with Dragonriding, it might pay to get an add-on to tell you where all the glyphs are if you get frustrated, some of them are out in the wide open, while a handful are tucked up in weird areas that are impossible to see unless you’re flying in from exactly the right angle.
Welp, that’s Maldraxxus done, along with what I gather is the first of many visits back to the Maw.
I feel overall less positive about this one, but that’s mostly for aesthetic reasons. Goopy slimy bony zones put me off; I like pretty scenery. It was a fun story arc, though.
It was surprisingly cool to see Vashj again; nice that she’s out there unliving her best unlife. And the others I guess, but honestly Draka and Mograine are background lore characters to me; I remember fighting alongside Vashj in WC3 and against her in BC, and she was always fun. Still is!
I haven’t done any of the SL instances despite having quests for a bunch of them now because apparently they’re impossible to queue for above 60? Chromie won’t let me timewalk again and the dungeon finder will only let me pick a random Dragonfight dungeon or a specific Bofa one, which is just so arbitrary and bizarre I’d assume it was a glitch if this wasn’t a Blizzard game. For all I know that’s exactly what the devs intended, it makes as much sense as some of their other choices.
Welp, on to whatever next I guess. So far this continues to be a more or less solid story. The key is not expecting too much.
Fun enough it was the Covenant I went with and dont regret.
Though it does suck the story’s big bad got spoiled for me via a World Quest. (Kel’Thuzad is back with his old VA and nary an explaination why the literal founder of the Cult of the Damned didnt get yeeted into the Maw out of principle).
Shadowlands is possibly the most thematically-appropriate expansion for WoW because it encapsulates perfectly how WoW stories go.
A venerable institution (the Arbiter) becomes complacent and susceptible to corruption (the red whatever that did whatever) and the only solution is to undergo a lengthy ordeal (Jailer’s Happy Friendship Hour) to immediately restore the complacent, corrupt institution to what it once was with maybe one or two changes (Pelagos).
Nothing changes, nothing is learned, the board just gets reset!
With how things are paced and looking, there is the smallest glimmer of hope in me that maybe Dragonflight and whatever expansion comes next will be connected in the overall story and we’ll finally have overarching things that make sense.
Granted, that hope makes Pandora’s Box look like a show done by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, but it’s there.