Azhaar's Bogus Journey

Okay, I’m all subbed up. Looks like Dragon Tales is still on sale through Oct. 2 so I have some time yet to come to a decision on that. Apparently I gotta level up to that anyway, which works out since I’ve got We Have Shadowbringers at Home for what I’m given to understand it should have sold for in the first place: nothing. This’ll be my first time experiencing all this content; hopefully the questing part isn’t bad so long as I’m not expected to hang around forever doing dailies and whatnot.

Off I go then!


You can just spam dungeons and pretend Shadowlands never happened.

Playing through that before DF is like eating dog food before going out for a fine sort of okay meal :smiley:


Since I didn’t suffer through the absolute SLOG that was Torghast and expansion content lulls, I honestly think Shadowlands has a few defining moments - however few there are. I greatly enjoyed Ardenweald; even though I am not one for druid stuff.

That’s about it, though. Ravendreth wasn’t… bad, just kind of goofy.

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Cool, I get free gear upgrades. Less cool: sorting out bags entirely full of clutter from three years ago.

The Trading Post is neat! This was a good idea.

Also miscellaneous dragon people wandering around Stormwind. They look kind of goofy, not gonna lie.

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I can’t wait until you get to level 70 and can do the Manari Questline.

You will then be able to fulfill the prophecy, make a Draenei Warlock, and call her Azhaardest.

By the way, what addons are we running now? I seem to recall there are several that are considered practically essential, but I’m way out of the loop.

The best ones I’ve found are emote splitter (out of date, but whatever) and TotalRP 3

Aight, got through the Maw, reached Oribos. Is leveling supposed to be this fast? I packed on three levels in there.

I’m trying not to let my recent gaming experiences prejudice me; Warcraft has never been about tight storytelling. After Baldur’s Gate 3 and FFXIV before that, none of this was impressive. But it was cartoonish, bombastic, and dramatic in an overwrought yet not quite hitting the mark way, which…is the tone I remember from Warcraft. So, sure, it’ll do. That’s probably what they were going for.

Overall this felt like a lesser version of the Broken Shore, which was a lesser version of the…I forget what the intro zone from WoD was called, that one still holds up.

Thrall being a prima donna about finding the right weapon was a legitimately good joke which was horribly misused. Completely undercut any tension of the scene and setting.

The Jailer sure is…present. I can see how hard they’re working to set him up as a real big intimidating force but… Then why’d they make him look like that? And sound like that? I take one look at this guy and it just seems wholly appropriate that I’ll be looting his corpse within a week. He’s got a lootable corpse kinda face.

I know enough of the lore of the setting to get exactly how recently pulled right out of nowhere all this is. That undercuts the impact considerably.

Also I do not buy how hard they’re working to emphasize unity and cooperation among the different faction leaders. Like, no, I remember what these chuckleheads were doing last week, I’m not buyin’ it. And that’s as someone for whom “last week” was actual real world years ago.

And I see we’re still characterizing female characters as “mom” (Jaina) or “crazy ex-girlfriend” (Tyrande, Sylvanas). Could do without that.

So far, overall, not super impressed.

I’m not prepared to relive these talking points that have been beaten to the thinness of a McDonald horse burger.

Have fun and kiss the winter queen for me


Valid. It’s all new to me, at least!

Honestly, for how bad it is, Shadowlands is pretty forgettable.

I couldn’t tell you what the hell was the actual problem was we were supposed to solve. I knew we didn’t like the Jailer but it might be because he plays football for another school.


I’ve only just dipped my toes in, but so far I actually dig the afterlife lore. To be sure, it’s all apropos of nothing to a degree which is perturbing if you know the other lore. But on its own? Neat stuff.

The aesthetics here are very cool, too, but WoW has always been good at visuals.


My favorite part of Shadowlands was the Jailer dropping Baine at the intro in the Maw.

My least favorite part was the lack of even 1 scene where Sylvanas rode around in his chest hole.

Now wait a minute.

How many expansions has Baine been injured or defeated in now?

Look he’s doing his best okay

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My favorite part of SL, was that every single time I dropped into the Maw via Oribos, it felt like I was a piece of poo being flushed down a toilet.

It was the only amusement I had in SL, aside from the Party Hat. Knowing somewhere, some dev/writer/Blizz hack thought to themselves, let’s not give them a portal. Let’s have the players travel back and forth between the Maw and Oribos, in something that literally resembles a toilet.

Also, SL isn’t bad if you’re not forced to spend 2 years existing in it. I’ve gone back since DF dropped to surgically target specific quests or things and Shadowlands is actually pretty good, you know, if you’re not actually playing it.

Should we tell Azhaarder about the Lightsaber swords from Zerith Mortis rares?

There are few mandatory addons now that the UI is configurable and settings are advanced. I’d say all you’re more than squared away with the following

For everyone:

  • WeakAuras
  • Details
  • Leatrix Plus
  • Plater (not mandatory but quite nice)

If you M+:

  • bigwigs/littlewigs OR DBM
  • maybe mythic dungeon tools

If you raid:

  • bigwigs

If you PvP:

  • sArena
  • Omnibar
  • OmniCC
  • Bigdebuffs

And of course TRP.

Have fun!

Edit: also Handynotes and all the things if you’re into that stuff

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Not me wanting to spend pointless dollarydoos to commission artists to come up with High School football teams (including mascots) for each of the afterlives and the Maw.

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one of my stronger memories of Shadowlands (there aren’t many) is the one scene where you’re sneaking around torghast and eavesdrop on Sylvanas and the Jailer walking together and having a conversation. the visual of a 5-6 ft tall woman taking a walk with a 200 ft god thing and having a chat tickled me a lot.

by all rights she should be screaming in order to be heard way up there, sitting on his chest or on his shoulder like a parrot would be more sensible

Incidentally that (and several other Torghast quests like the Thrall-freeing one IIRC) were removed from the game mid shadowlands for some reason

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