Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Well, if you need someone to remember all the guild names…

Eternal Twilight
Mythical Guardians
Cunnradh Creoth

and I forgot the name of your little guild!

Gems - human paladin. I was in Sword and Magic, ëminence and … pretty sure there are a few more lol

Sup Nutty, Dimitra, Morraine, Xintho, Lillo ^^


whats up hemoangelo. hows it going

Gems! Nice seeing you. Hope you’ve been doing well.

For you and anyone else that’s interested and doesn’t already have a plan I’m going to try and set something up on Faerlina horde with my BFA guild and some other people from over the years. Feel free to add me on Discord to talk more. Xintho#3174


How is Chops?

Coldasice, I think I remember you oddly enough from defending lowbies at the Nessingwary camp in STV. You were there when one of my college friends was leveling a warrior and he was in awe of your gear.

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Alemi - human rogue SMACK, PIAS little bit of time in a few other guilds that have been mentioned and are familiar
Shut - human rogue on Scilla Guild: Aww yeah jump it
Rumblepack - NE warrior Scilla, Aww yeah jump it

Cold! Alemi - SMACK human rogue, RL friend of Slims and Tif

you were the best MT a guild could ask for. remember wayne?

An unscratched Murky card is worth $5000 grats on your blue, El

PiaS was by far the best guild on Azgalor ever.

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Quashiepoo - NE hunter

VoA, RD. Early TBC went to Scilla server to join Brethren

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Yooo!! Saack here from Brethren/Brutality/Vodka. Long time no see Neuro! It’s been ages. The only dude looking out for me when I was a 14 year old pipsqueak sounding kid.

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You are welcome to join our guild of former Zissou members. We are most likely playing Alliance on Faerlina PvP server as of right now. It’s going to be a blast. Message me on Discord if you are interested. Elvar#9083

Hey! Saack from Brutality here. I grew up finally. We field marshal’d together with Dashiz, Thulzad, and that whole round of pvper’s. It’s so hard to remember 15 years ago.

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Ya I don’t remembers everyone’s name. I had a screenshot of the rankings when I finished grinding. I’ll have to find it lol

Ah, the Suffah name lives on :slight_smile:

Should probably respond as Aby, since that was the main.

i remember you! i played Dribble (GM gnome fury warrior) and Past (M ne rogue)

Was in Valiant but then found the right home in PiaS :^)


hey there, i remember you. doubt you remember me. past/dribble. i think you popped up in an ow match, or suggest bnet friends recently for me hahaha

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He lives! Any clue what server you’re rolling on?