Wait, weren’t you also in VoA many moons ago? I know I raided with you as some point.
Patzilla gnome warlock cant remember my guild though just wanted to see if anyone is out there that remembers.
Sup SA we were in Brut together
Is the guy who did the reckoning bomb on kazzak Karmerr going to play?
PK man are you going to PvP again? I couldn’t have reached r14 without you.
On the subject of the Kazzak Reckoning Bomb, why not take a moment to relive the legendary moment that made Assgalore great:
I mean, I’m still not sure if I’m gonna play yet but I’ll tell ya’ll what I’m not doing. Rolling a druid.
Anyways, I’m Issu, some of you might not remember me, mostly because I was on the forums more than I was the game.
Here’s a couple things you might remember me from:
- I was the referee in the Barg VS Bachsin duel for deletion where we pretty much crashed the servers before we moved the fight to a secret location (Moonglade)
- Guilds BOT, APEX, Righteous Dawn and some others I’m probably forgetting.
- Had the longest running thread in server history (who even knows what it was about) that was eventually stickied by a community manager, which was a huge victory for exactly like, 3 people.
- Leveling very slowly.
I hope we can get some old school guys together and go hunt green dragons at 3am again soon fellas!
Karmerinna I think is currently active and I’m pretty sure in the same guild as me.
I miss spamming the forums with you, it was the highlight of my life Issu, nothing will ever top it. Whur Yumika?(sp?)
haha! My MAN! Sup Wabi
Hi Kurona, I’m also looking for those people, so if you find them please let me know!
haha she disappeared after it was made known it was actually a dude trolling poor Cmode for all his wow golds
All hail the BOT zerg
daaaang, poor Cmode. Someone find Smirk to cop some feels and make him feel better.
After name Res it looks like I’ll be Korain, UD Mage on Herod. Looking forward to seeing Assgalorians around <3
Glad to see you’re still around the interwebs! Ready to see who hits 60 first? It could be my old age making things fuzzy, but I think I barely beat you to 60 last time while I was Horde. :3
Everyone can think of this as they will but after I drafted up that heartfelt plea by also explaining it was the will of the fine citizens of Assgalore to get that thread a blue AND a sticky, and then I hit that “report post” button to paste that essay for a CM to see, it was freaking well a HUGE victory!
LOL yea, it was you and Aya really leading that charge on that. Good thing nobody remembers what it was even about >_>
Corleone - Human Warlock
Raided with Pactum Serva, August Knights, RD, TOOL/Uber/DP; Zissou, Brethren and SnM later.
ZOMG HI ETAOIN AND ALVEN?! also hi assorted familiar names and RD famiry.
i want to reconnect with adri and taken and brybry and all the other qtpi members of Ronin
Cmode. I had forgotten that name, but he taught me all I knew about WoW instances. He can have my gold to make up for it.
Played as Kinson (Night Elf Druid) in Legacy of Ascension and Zissou. Quit during AQ progression but man Zissou was some of the best raiding times I had in the game (even through wotlk). I wonder if Woodchuck is coming back. And if Banduril is still out there; I have from time to time revisited the ol’ Gospel of the Alliance (wowpedia, by Banduril)!
Mithrrin - NE Warrior (Still playing the same character) MT of MLA, Guilds: Eternal Twilight/Mythical Guardians
Won’t be joining you guys unfortunately, from Australia so don’t feel like playing Classic again with 300ms!