Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Genesis where you at?

Hey there. Alventenie (HU rogue from Brethren for a time).

Been a while since vanilla, seems a few of us went horde since then.


Alv! Definitely remember you! I hope you’re doing well, you were one of a kind.

i remember you bud, remember the split MC runs along with when you got your eye for benediction. good times, good to hear from you again.

I miss my boy Dory. We were guildies on SWG. He’s the one who talked me into trying out WoW for the first time.

Doing alright. I raid as a healer now (MW Monk) and do a bunch of M+ as BrM.

Most of my guild didn’t play vanilla so this will be a new experience for them in the off days we have. Will be lots of fun.

Utsumi, Human Rogue
Triads in Vanilla, Righteous Dawn in TBC, Celestial Darkness in WotLK

Wondering what these guys are up to: Pkdrdoom, Straifer, Knowledge, Tmoney, Luckdragon, Solstone

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Hey Utsi!

How are you? Where is Solstone, still in touch? haha.

It’s been so long. I’m not playing right now and I think I don’t have you added in the thing since back then there was no network to connect as friends, haha.

You should add me Pkdrdoom#1133


Edit: I guess you are asking about Solstone in your post as well… so… duh! there is that, haha.


PK! I’m doing great, hope you are too. I was kidding about Solstone, we go way back IRL.

In all likelihood, I’m not playing Classic. Just wanted to reminisce for a bit.

I guess I am really distracted doing some work because I didn’t even read the title of the thread or anything, haha.

I do remember a lot of the people in game, but it’s been so long and a few servers post classic that is hard to keep all those names in sometimes.

I have some in the app and it saddens me when I see someone hasn’t logged for years.

Just from the thread alone I remember Xintho, Nutty, Stkrickthej, Morraine, Silentangel, Timesup, Inwe, Axx, Lumpy, Padderski, Neurotik.

Some are friends, and some were people I got to play a few times (still friends in my mind, haha).

I’ve played on and off in the last couple expansions (mainly to experience the story, just don’t have as much time as before to do all the pve and pvp I can anymore, or help those endless lowbies I helped when they asked me to “do deadmines plz” or anything they asked, haha).

Anyways I really like this thread, hope you remember me and I’ll be reading often!

And to Utsi! Yeah, I knew you and Solstone were friends IRL so figured you two kept in touch, hah!

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Izriel NE Hunter, Guild hopper at the time, spent most of my time in Pink Attack Bunnies.

Larisha NE warrior, Social Butterflies. I dont remember raiding or even talking much to the guild I was in sadly. She was used to host Pug 20 mans, Ony on cooldown and would host pug MC that usually didnt make it past Majordomo


oh boy. I can only remember a few names from back then…palio, zoop, dooz, syia, rokc, hardy…nostalgiaaaaa. so i dont know.

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Ridnour - Human Paladin. Raided with Brethren then we transferred to Scilla.


Wow, that’s a nostalgia trip! tBC expansion was such a blast. I don’t think RD would have had that success without all the Uber folks merging with us as we started SSC: Ifoxl, Mutality, Nutty, Shelbert, Sightless, Blumps/deec, Plus whoever else I forgot. Brybry? Arakthor?

Once we got over our tank issues( dodging Kael’s pyroblast) we really made great progress. Props to Misko for switching mains to tank; Trebor helped too.

Corleone keeping us entertained with trivia. Msdrood for doing seemingly everything in raid and guild. The smooth dolce tones of Taken in vent. Amplifier for paying for said vent(I think). Seijura for being a boss.

Traveler for putting up with my s#!* and sending me the odd dirty text or tell every so often. Tiandrex whenever he graced us with his presence, but seriously he even played my toon for a BT run I couldn’t make in case a glaive dropped ( it didn’t). Sorry for burning out during Sunwell.

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Darkstarr - NE Hunter - original character from launch. Still occasionally active with Celestial Darkness on Aggramar.

Started with Knights of Azgalor, raided for a long time with Wyrms Red Army and finally settled down with Celestial Darkness.

I remember long, long, LONG MC raids run by Wyrmsmasher back in the day

Hey Everyone i was Dirinks the First GM of Departed Soulz just wanted to stop in and say hi


Slanaitheoir. Social Butterflies. What server is most of Azgalor moving to??? I have a few people going to Herod.

Traveler - Righteous Dawn. It won’t let me post on my level 1 name and some son of a (it won’t let me say the word) had already taken my priest’s name when we moved to Sargeras. This is the new, shorter version of Traveler. Definitely no shortage of nostalgia around here I see. There is still a handful of old RD people playing over on Sargeras (much more casually these days), and we are also planning on testing the WoW Classic waters with some of the old RD / Swords and Magic guys. Feel free to get in touch if any of you still play, are going to play, or just want to shoot the (also won’t let me say the word) about the old days. This goes double for you, Chown. Traveler#1217.

Trav you better accept my friend request and love me!

of course. glad to see some VoA people still kickin around.