Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Zera gnome lock
Zirra gnome rogue
Aurorastar ne priest
Looking for my old guildies from and any other guildies that might remember me.

Elvar - nightelf rogue
Guild - Gods of Azgalor, GoA, Zissou

Like Axx said, a bunch of us former GoA / Zissou members will be playing together again in Classic. Would be great to have more former Azgalor players join us.

Elvar#9083 on discord


Datanker - Ordo Solaris , Avantis

Jerlyonie 60 Human warrior

I raided with Wyrms red army

Drache, Night Elf Druid
Guild: Genesis

A lot of names I recognize from the good ole days here.
@krii Are you leading the charge on remaking Kingsbane? XD

Drache#8218 on Discord


Howdy! Dielind, NE druid of Knights of Davion/Righteous Dawn/Caligulas Pleasures reporting in. I miss some of you people.

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Healzya, Human Priest
Guild: Brethren

I recognize all of the Brethren members so far.

For some reason I think I Know your name. I was an undead Shadow priest Holyfos. I ran in the Horde warlord BG group for a while. I think I battled you a lot out in the world and in some battlegrounds when our groups got matched

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Yea im pretty sure it was you haha. Such a long time ago. You probably don’t remember me. I got up to General with the group. But I remember us messing around in the world. NE warrior in GM gear yup :slight_smile:

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Lumpy - Gnome Rogue from Vengeance of Azeroth
Lumpette - Gnome Warrior from Vengeance of Azeroth

Probably not gonna play much classic, but I sure do miss you Assgalorians. Raided with Shadow of Death a couple weeks ago. Major Nostalgia vibes.

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Padderski - Human Paladin from Carpe Noctem, Righteous Dawn, Celestial Darkness (still active on Aggramar)
Ibz - Human Rogue - Celestial Darkness

KOALAAAA! I remember healing you in pvp :smiley:

Will be playing classic.

P.S. - I miss Hurt

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Neurotik - Gnome Rogue who did most of the boss kill videos for Brethren.

Pretty cool to see some familiar names and guilds in this thread.


Well well, there’s a name I haven’t heard in some time. I wonder if you remember ol’ Vega.

Good to see GoA / Departed Soulz / Zissou guys here. True OGs.

We have a few og Azgalorians, with a ton of private server experience (fastest NA clears for bwl+mc, etc). Come play with us on one of the PvP servers!

Xani#5634 on Discord


Sup, Inwe! Played as Neurotik, Gnome Rogue with you in Brethren.

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What’s up, Ichigo!

  • Neurotik
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Didn’t you run some top 10 NA guild in tBC?

That link to the RD forums was an amazing time capsule, thanks for that. I especially appreciated seeing Traveler’s message to the guild as BC wrapped up. I had to censor it to post it.

  • Nutty

Yet again, another chapter of RD’s long history has come to an end. Despite the health nerf 3.0 brought along, KJ still proved to be a challenge in that the amount of damage he put out and coordination required was still as high as always. Abilities that can wipe the entire raid on cast certainly haven’t been nerfed. While M’uru left a lot to be desired in the satisfaction department, I have to say killing KJ still felt a little ‘epic’ and it feels good to have completed the game before WotLK.

So as we close this book, file it away on the shelf with the Onyxia, MC, BWL, AQ40, Naxxramas, SSC, TK, Hyjal and BT books, and prepare to open our next book (or take the Naxxramas one down, I suppose) I figure it’s a good time to note the people that make the wheels of RD continuously rotate. I know to a lot of people this shts just a game, but like I said a while back, we don’t give a sht. We play this game the way we do because it’s fun and people should always do what’s fun to them.

Since Illidan, I had stepped away from being the center of the leadership in RD. To all of the leaders, new and old, I want to say thanks. Without you guys, the raid obviously would have never progressed into Sunwell and eventually through the end of the content Burning Crusade gave us. I know better than everyone how difficult and how hard of a job it can be to lead a successful raid so all of you have my respect for the work you did. It wasn’t an easy undertaking at all and you all certainly were cut only minimal amounts of slack along the road. But your resilience to the hardships and my constant barking at you paid off and you all proved that you can handle a job more difficult than any PvP match or PvE boss could ever be. These leaders include, in no particular order except for possibly sexual appeal: Tiandrex, Lef, Oberik, Graghlan, Msdrood, Smore, Kaideliara, Blumps, Taken, Amplifier, Sightless, Gnomeslokdum (Tehend), Shelbert and Arakthor. Styyn gets an honorable mention since a lot of his work came in BC, even though his btch as isn’t around currently.

The other group is our raiders. Having been around for so long, I’ve seen countless guilds crumble to a huge variety of causes. I’ve never, online or in real life, seen a group of people who were more ambitious and hard nosed than you all. To not fall apart in the face of problems that would have massacred any other guild is phenomenal. You not only dealt with myself and the other leaders constant belittlement, from ill-fated hand washing to maps written in crayon, you pushed even when sh*t just plain sucked. Our raid hit more than our fair share of bumps, had its feet kicked out from under it more times than I can count, and you all still stuck with it. Dedication like that is hard to come and shows a lot of character in any avenue of life, and I respect that more than I ever will someone’s ability to play a game. You all surpassed our accomplishments pre-BC with hard work and huge repair bills and now you can all have some much deserved rest until WotLK.

So on to the good sh*t. Loot from Kil’Jaeden:
[item]Borderland Paingrips[/item] - Smore
[item]Helm of Burning Righteousness[/item] - Nutty
[item]Crux of the Apocalypse[/item] - Chown
[item]Cowl of Light’s Purity[/item] - Graghlan

I continued to raid with Brethren through the earlier part of tBC, in Gruul’s, Magtheridon, SSC/TK, and then applied to vodka around Hyjal/BT progression and main switched from my rogue to Enhancement Shaman for them and then raided with them through tbC and into WotLK.


I miss Trav a lot! He was such a great dude back then. I had lots of love for him and RD in general.