Azeroth's True Appearance

Life was created by Aman’Thul on Azeroth via the Well of Eternity. Trolls are technically a Titan creation but it was through a different process than construction. The Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves all are constructed races and weren’t born from the Well of Eternity. Unlike in reality, life in Azeroth was invented and forged by the Titans. The Well of Eternity was that source for Azeroth. It sprouted new beings from it being created by the Titans initially. The elementals were the first beings of life on Azeroth. Dragons originate from elemental origins and they were here before the Titans.

Trolls aren’t naturally born on Azeroth. We know they came into existence because of what the Pantheon did.

“Natural” as in what? Trolls have a more chaotic creation that we really don’t understand all too well. Again, all we know is that Aman’Thul put the Well down and then Trolls as well as a lot other life that began on Azeroth for the first time. Many other races like Humans were initially forged and shaped. So yes.

I would agree in this context Trolls are a “natural” race but they’re still a Titan race. Its just not in the way people think and there is nuance. Its a fantasy world after all right?

they are, but they tend to have facial-features of their native race. i mean… look at argus. he has the head-ridge of a draenei, but the rest of him is more human.

Argus wears a helmet

He does, but he also resembles the Draenei a bit because of the blue skin.

"Argus was equipped with black and gold armor on his limbs and waist, while a massive helm adorned his head, vaguely in the shape of a pharaoh crown.

His body was pierced in multiple areas with spikes and through his armor. Argus’ glowing, deep blue skin made him distinct from the rest of his titan brethren.

A close look at Argus’ head reveals that he lacked lips, and his lower jaw appeared skeletal.

Removing the helm geoset from his model reveals that his face lacked muscle tissue as well. These signs show that he was not entirely formed yet."

We won’t ever know what the full version of him would’ve looked like, as the Burning Legion tortured him and forced him to ‘hatch’ early, destroying Argus in the process.

The thing is though that Vrykul were sort of constructed in the Titan’s own image.

So if Azeroth is a Titan, she’s going to look like a Human.

Even though Trolls are a Titan race technically, they’re not constructed and were born in a similar way that the Murlocs, the Tauren, and the Quilboar came to be. So its not like Trolls are MORE special, but they became special to Azeroth.

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maybe azeroth will wear some troll-y armor then? i dunno. just saying she’d have troll features, not that she would look like one. think human, with tusks.

Eonar is yellow, Aman’Thul is blue, Norgannon is white, Aggramar is orange, based on official art. I wouldn’t say that skin color affects the planets too much

Trolls, Tauren, Pandaren and other races are native to azeroth as well. Just the trolls were the most successful out of the bunch.

100% false. Aman’Thul laid down the Well of Eternity and the only life that existed on Azeroth were elementals.

Trolls were born from what Aman’Thul did and therefore Trolls are a non-constructed Titan race.

Ah, my apologies for the mistake

There is room for her to be a Troll still though.

born from, does not equal made-by. trolls evolved from failure of the titans. they were’nt intelligently designed. they’re a natural evolved race.

Brann actually speculated that Panderan and Tauren are descended from Ancients.

I wouldn’t say he “laid” the Well down, it was a wound created when he ripped Y’Shaarj from the planet.

Here’s why.

The Well is apart of Azeroth herself. Which means that for some reason this Titan didn’t look like the rest, and maybe Blizzard would have to expand and make up a bunch of filler explanations but she looks like a Troll or Troll-ish and then from the Well of Eternity it was the Trolls that ended up becoming so dominant because it only made sense.

Trolls inhereted the image of Azeroth via the Well of Eternity.

This would be the only way.

She is indeed a Titan though and they might just make her like a humanoid with the other Titans anyways. I support the Troll Azeroth, but Blizzard is going to do the Blizzard thing. Fingers crossed.

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A neat concept would be a half troll half human looking Azeroth. She was originally meant to be created in the image of the other titans but the Well messed with her development.

Will we lose our planet? Orgrimmar, Silvermoon, Stormwind and all the zones we know gone?

I have no idea what will happen, will the planet crack like an egg when the Titan is born?

There’s also just so much plain room to allow for other great “Titan” beings to exist.

Also remember that there is now a Death Pantheon in Shadowlands. These may or may not be “Titans”.

Maybe there are now different kinds. Maybe “The Pantheon” as we know from our reality now, lead by Aman’Thul, is just one of many variants.

Azeroth could be a “troll” Titan because shes a different kind of Titan.

I actually want Blizzard to do something like this. I always felt it was over. Lore is done. We’ve seen it all, but with Ion throwing out terms like “Death Pantheon” and “Proper Titan Homeworlds” I honestly can’t contain my excitement. The lore is expanding so much and now we have each magic domain on top of potential new types of Titans showing up. New worlds to explore possibly. New dimensions.

i think she’d look like a zandalari troll. think talanji, but without the hat… and with a big scar on her body from the well of eternity exploding… and another from the sword (which she’ll rip out and use against the old-gods or something)… maybe the well of eternity scar is like, a face-scar. that’d be cool.

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Most likely. I think they’d rather roll with a troll-ish look rather than a straight up Troll. Azeroth came first, then the Trolls were born from her essence and became the dominant race on Azeroth for a time until they yet again evolved further.

Oh wait. I just convinced myself that she could possibly look like a Night Elf. lmao

I’ll stop speculating. I don’t think Blizzard has it known what she looks like yet. That will be a future expansion of some kind but there are so many ways they could handle it.

Azeroth could be like a half-troll half-elf/belf being.