Azeroth is the 5th Old God

bossgirl moment

Hello, I see you posted a thread about Azeroth. Haha, does this mean Azeroth will be a big, hot tentacle mommy!?

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

G’huun is an Old God worshiped by the blood trolls of Nazmir as a loa, and referred to as the Blood God. It was inadvertently created by the Pantheon who experimented on the imprisoned Old Gods, as they tried to find a solution to the problem that they posed.

An artificial Old God created by Titans as an experiment to find a way to kill an Old God with out damaging the world again.

This would also mean that Xal’atath is also a possible Old God as she was born from a piece of an forgotten Old God or the claw of Y’Shaarj.

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The planet breaks, and the few people left on the chunks big enough to support some life will drift to another planet, and start WoW 2.

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Yes, that 5th Old God is Azeroth’s void form

Most likely!