Azeroth is a sphere like earth

Then it is just that, a globe. I have seen globes from the 15th century that do not include Australia. We have been in low-Azeroth orbit and seen EK and Kalimdor only go down to the planet’s equator.

when a orc fall in any part from Isle of Conquest Northend BG.

it’s true, Azeroth is a Sphere, circle like a world Titan Egg…

No more STUPID ROMANS ARCHAIC IDEOLOGIES, it’s just turning the USA into the new Rome, and you know what happened to the old Rome as it was destroyed, nope, it wasn’t by barbarians.

No, it isn’t. It’s the First One’s surveillance of the planet, just like it was the Titan’s in Ulduar and other places.

From the Fel Hammer:

From the Tarecgosa questline:

From official Blizzard artwork:

Those all-knowing titans didn’t include Pandaria on their globe! Why are people so against Azeroth being much bigger than previously seen? it’s a retconn sure, but it means we have more planet to explore.

No one is against anything. We’re giving you facts and you’re dismissing them outright.

You are showing me low-res screen shots of unreliable narrators depictions of Azeroth. Take a look from the Vindicaar! You can see the bottoms of EK and Kalimdor with half the planet still below them.

They’re updated and you’re ignoring facts. Look again and stop dismissing facts.

Ok, the planet from Tarecgosa’s questline does not seem to include pandaria or northrend. The titans were clumsy cartographers at best.

… you’re looking at the wrong side. :woman_facepalming:t4:

I’m done with this nonsense. Bury your head in the sand if you want. I honestly don’t care.

If pandaria is the antipodal point of Northrend, then why is it not a polar region as well? Why are the southern parts of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor as well as Pandaria deserts and tropical regions? Shouldn’t they be as temperate as the northern parts of their continents?

If I am burying my head in the sand, then SHOW ME WHERE AZEROTH’S EQUATOR IS and I will concede the argument.

They’ve never treated it like a flat earth.

Maps are flat pieces of paper, there are landmasses that are discovered in regions that were thought to be empty all the time (or at least that was the case during the age of exploration where various empires were trying to map as much of the world as they could). The fact that they’re putting new locations on a flat map =/= Blizzard treating Azeroth as if it’s a flat earth.

You say science I say voodoo. All things can be explained by the good book, /opens librams from bc

Oh… oh no… This book’s nuts…

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Azeroth is coded as flat.
But its a sphere in the lore.

Wait until you guys find out theres hollow pocket kingdoms within azeroth.

wait til they find out that different zones are scaled different on the map than others…

the undescended testi!

If they gave you the whole of the world there wouldn’t be anything left to explore that would defeat the wonder.

The Roman Empire divided into East and West in 330 Ad. Counting from 753 BC, the date usually given for the founding of Rome, they both lasted quite some time.

The West was overrun by Germanic Tribes in 476 AD meaning it lasted about 12 hundred years. The East was defeated by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 meaning they lasted 22 hundred years.

In both cases, that was quite a run.

yeah… as they also thought that the Earth was flat during that time, do you know which way these people are going, especially a majority that lives in the USA?

We are going forward into Dragon Flight. I can’t wait.

yeah, but I’m not going to buy it, if I’m going to play it, let’s hope it’s by winning a raffle on twitter, but since I never go through my luck, apart from the fact that the best comes in WotLK, I stay in WotLK.

So keep watching my video about the final battle of Zooval as a playthrough while I win my last AOTC until if something good comes out for 10.1, don’t worry if the video is in Latam.