Azeroth is a sphere like earth

So my question is why does development team at blizzard treat the game as if it’s a flat earth? Why don’t we explore and have more expansions and content beyond the borders of the map and see more vast areas of Azeroth. When we were on Argus in legion we seen Azeroth it is a sphere just like earth. I never understood we we only explore 25% of Azeroth and not seen more what it holds, I’m assuming this cause the story of World of Warcraft what drive us out into the unknown.

Have you never seen Earth displayed on a flat map? Same deal.


Azeroth started off with one super continent like Pangaea called Kalimdor. We have a pretty good idea where every piece of that continent went after it was sundered.

Honestly, Dragon Isles is pretty much the last possible Azeroth-based location, otherwise it stretches the limits of what makes any sense. Heck, even realistically Dragon Isles don’t make that much sense. They were hidden from sight, but they shouldn’t nearly as unknown as they are. If they were part of Kalimdor, and the Night Elf kingdom stretched over most of Kalimdor, then why does no one have any idea that it used to exist?

Even Pandaria, the other secret continent, people knew about it and just didn’t know how to get there because it was impossible to reach (but as soon as the shroud went down, the Zandalari were able to go there because they knew where it was).

No more islands. I do not want to see this -


The holographic depiction of Azeroth in the Halls of Lightning dungeon does indeed show it is a globe. It also shows you that the continents are spread out across it fairly evenly…or at least, that the Eastern Kingdoms continent is pretty much on the opposite side of the planet from Kalimdor…so I’m not sure what your beef is?

I suppose that the developers ought to work out a ‘new and improved’ world map, in order to better represent the relative locations of the various land masses. That might take thought and effort, though.


I was just curious instead of leaving Azeroth all time why not just add more expansions and content on Azeroth and see more land masses beyond the borders of the map.

The sundering 2.0 but this time it pulls the entire world of Azeroth back together.

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Because then you wind up with this


They don’t? Have you ever looked out the window of the ship on Argus?

We don’t. Try looking at the planet from Argus one more time.

They could always add a North, West ,East, South tab on side maps when we click on map to see the other sides of the sphere instead. lol

There is no blank side. Just like there’s no blank side of the map of Earth.

The “borders” of the map just loop us back ground on the sphere. Just like on the map of Earth if you sail off the eastern side of the map here, you’ll end up on the western side of the map.

We’ve already explored most of Azeroth and there are very few landmasses left to find. The Dragon Isles are about the last one that we know about, and if they just keep adding new hidden islands to find it’s going to get pretty rediculous.


I heard that you just fall off the world


I remember reading ages ago that lore wise kalimor, EK etc were only supposed to be one half of the globe. obvs they abandoned that by WOTLK when they put 3d maps in Ulduar, but it could have been cool to explore the dark side of the planet!


Does anyone have a map drawn to scale? They usually try to make the expansion zones take up less space on the map.

Or maybe it already is to scale idk

The spinning planet we see on Argus is to scale. And there are many globes in game that depict the same.

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Neither is a sphere though? A sphere suggests equidistance from a central point, the earth is more like a slightly less oblong (and less pointy) football, it’s actually ovoid in shape at the equator…

In layman’s terms: the earth has lovehandles.

As Sentenzà pointed out, the land of Azeroth was once one giant continent. It was sundered into multiple land masses when the Well of Eternity went KERBLOOWIE (Thank you, Fargo Flintlocke). That only happened ten thousand years ago, so it makes sense that the resulting continents and islands have only spread out a relatively small distance.

So…“The Squashing”?

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Except it’s wrong and not the case at all, as seen by every globe in the game.

What if we had a whole underground expansion where you have to constantly farm some form of AP to power a ring you use as a flashlight to illuminate the darkness? :slight_smile:

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It’s gettin’ to be a dumpster like earth, too.