…Because we need new xpacs to reveal the new islands and such.
The spherical Azeroth conspiracy theory is a lie pushed by both the Alliance,Horde and even neutral factions’ media. We can prove experimentally Azeroth is flat.
We all know that Azeroth is hamburger shaped, like c’mon guys.
Stop facing the wall when you pray
I was trying to find the nicest way of saying this without being judgmental lol. Thank you
The Earth is a sphere. Using the same tests to prove this, we have proven Azeroth is flat. Anyone who tells you otherwise has fallen for fake news.
Because Azeroth is clearly based on Earth, which is clearly flat and not a sphere like you argue.
Note: Please do not actually take this seriously because I am not unironically a Flat-Earther.
that’s what they want you to think! wake up sheeple !
And anyone who has ever been on, or goes to the the Vindicar can see it is not flat
There’s more blue than any other colour, we’re all sitting on sinking spaceships.
In a future expansion, there will be a nuclear war and the denizens of Azeroth will look to the stars for a new home, like in the Star Ocean prequel.
That’s where the Upside Down is.
You realize that Kalimdor is on one half of the world, the Eastern Kingdoms is the other. Northrend is on the very top, and Pandaria is on the very bottom.
The only part we haven’t really “seen” is what is west of Kalimdor/east of EK. If there’s anything at all.
I flipped my map over and I can confirm that the underside of the map is not blank, there are advertisements for Arbys and 50% off my next oil change at Midas.
I’ll need three ships and two-hundred stout-hearted people to chart a passage to the East. It’s the Great Northeast Passage!
You have been deceived my floofy friend! Your nose for trouble has failed you this time! I will prove it with SCIENCE!
First we can see Hyjal from Feralas, which is in the southern hemisphere. Second we can see “what sword?” from Ashenvale which is in the northern hemisphere.
But wait! This should not be possible, because if that deceptive view you have been fooled into beliving is real were true, then we should be able to easily see the giant mountain of Hyjal on the horizon east of the Maelstrom, because for it to be visible above the horizon it would have to be even taller than this absurdity!
As you can see, even with the absurd heights, these objects should not be visible from their respective locations. BUT THEY ARE!
Furthermore, set your hearthstone to anywhere in Kalimdor, then go to anywhere in the Eastern Kingdoms. Take note of the time of day and the position of the sun, then QUICKLY hearth! Wait, what is this? It is the SAME TIME! This is impossible! At best it should be early in one place and late in the other, if you could even see the sun from both perspectives at the same time!
And finally, go anywhere in the world. Take note of the direction your shadow points. It should point the same direction as an hour hand on a clock, when you’re facting south in the southern hemisphere, and north in the northern hemisphere BUT IT POINTS THE SAME WAY NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE! This can ONLY mean that the sun is hitting you from the same angle no matter where you stand, which can not happen on a sphere. This only happens on a plane.
Azeroth is flat!
Maybe the oceans going down the drain and sea levels are dropping?
Damn that malestorm!
Okay, I giggled pretty hard.