Azeroth better not be an elf

Welp, I guess we’ve gotta commit planetcide. :axe:


The ground rumbles, the earth shakes and quakes, and at last the gloriousness that is the very planet’s soul rises from the core in all its majesty and she’s…she’s…

An Ogre.


We dead lol

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I mean all the titans look human so…

I mean she did turn the trolls into elves with exposure to her blood magic. And her dragons born on her did naturally take the elf form. It wouldn’t be much of a farfetched theory that her magic turned beings into looking like her.

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I mean, elves are just the result of the effects of Arcane Magic acting upon a certain primitive species of native Azeroth life, which results in it slowly transforming ever closer to a divine and orderly form.

That is why humans, dwarves, and gnomes are the true correct races, but any race can strive to being a normal and correct race that just looks normal by exposure to Arcane Magic. That is why the high elves look the most like humans, because Arcane Magic shaped them more towards a divine form that was derived from the titans themselves than the other kinds of elves. Everyone liked the high elves and wanted them playable for that reason.

I think that’s what makes elves so cool and unique in WoW lore. They are the unique result of Arcane Magic interacting with the specific native Azeroth originating life form so that intelligent life becomes possible. So while my Night Elf may not be directly created by the titans like the humans ultimately were through their Iron Vrykul lineage, it is an interesting twist in that they came from lower life forms that were shaped and molded through Arcane Magic which is the essence of the titans. I can’t wait to see what the Tauren eventually become if they ever interact with Arcane Magic enough to give them a proper appearance.

Azeroth is a Titan…

She also turned a group Murlocs into fish people…


I hope she looks similar to Therazane.

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I mean she technically turned Magni into a giant walking talking diamond.

Maybe she into bling.

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Yall havent realized yet? Its so obvious that the good half of sylvanas is being guided by azeroth, counter to her evil half by the jailer.

Clearly sylvanas will be the avatar/host body for azeroth, making her not just an elf but an undead one.

Yeah I agree…we’ve got enough elves but to add salt to the wound you can see their preference or just who their favorite children are by the fact the original aspects were either elf or human…and then what do you know we get rid of malygos and replace him and boom another human and Ysera had to be replaced and we get another elf. All the nice new stuff…all elves more or less outside of hair colors and a few options to everyone else.

She’d better be a damn dragon at this point…I agree to the maw with more elves we’ve got too many as is. She’d better be a titan dragon but no dang human or elven model as I’m sick of them by this point

Troll is the obvious way to go. Trust me.


I saw some concept art someone made a while back, and it showed Azeroth as a giant female troll, it was pretty badass. Also, I think it makes the most sense- they are the oldest race after all.


That doesn’t look too bad.

Should be a female troll.

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This. This is what Azeroth should look like.


:blue_square: :milky_way: :blue_square: :milky_way: :blue_square: :milky_way:


When Azeroth hatches you won’t actually care on account you’ll be dead by the planet being ripped and broken apart.

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azeroth failed to make it to the water.


That’s why you become the fun uncle. :ok_hand: