This is looking promising!
Can’t wait to test it out on the PTR/Beta eventually!
This is looking promising!
Can’t wait to test it out on the PTR/Beta eventually!
All the shots fired at FF14 are beautiful and 100% deserved by their developers. The hoops we have to go through in that game to make anything float are ridiculous.
This looks way better
Each post is just better and better! What an excellent job so far! Can’t wait to see more.
Edit: can’t get over the stacking of stuff, going to have soo many tchotchkes!
Also, exteriors maybe? If you give me a garden, take my money blizz, you got this fish.
Now make sure that crafting and materials become an integral part so we can shift the economy away from gearing which is too prone to fomo fluctuations.
So how many of these items will be in the store
Well, looks like the best parts of decorating are out. Cobbling.
You know, taking existing objects and making more complicated things. It’s how we have full kitchens and appliances and stuff in FFXIV and ESO. If there’s collision, then that isn’t possible.
I have a HUGE line of doubt going on for this feature. There’s a TON riding on it, it’s either going to be great, or it’s going to be lacking. Decide carefully how you do things.
probably a couple 100 long term.
Looks like I will have to try Retail again…
FF is the only game around with remotely decent housing that you can lose your house in.
Everyone else does it the way it should be. Instanced.
I admit I had some reservations about how Blizzard was going to handle decorating. This has me pumped! It looks awesome so far.
Gonna need a source for that one dog.
Maybe finish reading the article - there’s only collision on decor when in the basic editing mode
if you switch to advance mode theres no collision at all, clip things together to your hearts content - as well as being able to scale things up and down and rotate and pitch on every axis
well we arent getting a fated patch anymore cause of the faster cadence of expansions… so kinda true
I’m glad y’all are making this feature for people that are interested in it. Although this, to me, feels like something you do when other parts of your game are working well. I hope this doesn’t just become another buggy thing that’s abandoned later.
Please or the love of the Old Gods, make sure there’s presets for those of us uninterested in this.
Did you stop reading at the first half? There’s an advanced mode which should disable collision and let you clip items through other items.
This looks good. I’m pleased that we won’t be restricted to specific racial themes and have the freedom to decorate what we want.
I appreciate having both basic easy to use tools and complex ones that let you get weird.
That way people like me can just stick to the tools that make sense, while other people can go crazy and make it work however they want.
Dye for furniture?
Dye for armor in the pipeline?
Wow this looks absolutely amazing.
Biggest W EVER!!!