Azerite twinks in non-BfA 110 bracket

Looks like they like to play without BFA?

Clearly an exploit. This is neither intended use, nor is it possible to accidentally happen.


(image taken from XPoff)

Blizzard’s at fault here, of course, but it’s still not supposed to happen. Thus, exploit.


I said to you.

I described the problem. It’s a big problem, which will not be solved by me buying BfA, leveling up, getting awful gear and getting farmed in randoms at 120.

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BFA account / lower expansion level game account

Two separate accounts.

First we’ve heard of it here

What about BFA trials?

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It’s a niche bracket. You don’t associate with people who haven’t bought BfA, so you weren’t aware of it.

Those dang 120 twinks (I guess this is next, not rerollers… just anyone with more/better gear at any level).


They can still post in the forums…

So players who have done a BFA trial are now being voted in for separation?

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Down with anyone who has better gear than me!


How exactly does a BfA trial work? Isn’t there a time period after which you have to buy? Is a character able to reach that level (ilvl 270 ilvl 300 azerite gear heart 430) during the trial period?

And aside from that, I would think that if they were able to queue for randoms, it would probably be in the 119 bracket.

Which means what? You don’t think it’s happening? I could give you the player’s name, but callouts are verboten.

Always another thread with another excuse


Which means you are wrong. IF this was a big issue, surely we’d have heard about it since this is where people come to vent.

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This would be like someone with mythic Legion gear being permitted to queue in a wod-only bracket, if one existed. It is not a “better gearing” issue.

Okay. Exploit early, exploit often. Gotcha.

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Looks like you’ve angered the swarm, OP.

Strange that people would be against more attention brought to an exploit.


I had no problems leveling up in pvp. But now this is unplayable.

Correct, Expansion trial periods are usually timed.
Let the players who cannot enjoy the full BFA experience explore the possibilities the latest expansion brings forward IMO.
Positive activities are welcomed from everyone, it is nice to see players enjoying themselves.