Aye lmao, If you multibox don't be this bad


It was sloppy but feck it.


Not sure what’s better, watching the boxer jump off after you or the music!

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That was hilarious. I didn’t know you could death grip while mid air again. There was a time way back when you could grip someone mid air after getting knocked off mid in eots. Then it was changed and you got an error message when you hit grip.

Technically when you are sitting still in the air you aren’t moving. but if I was to remount and fly at you I wouldn’t be able to grip you.

Ah neat. I didn’t know that.

That was pretty funny.

I want to point out that multiboxers broke this patch, they cant follow in any pvp combat anymore, not just instances.

Also it’s monks, only melee that is good multibox is dk

Sucks to be that guy, rip.

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I’m so tired of reggies vids no cap

I’m tired of Warlyzz vids >;(

Wait he doesn’t have any. Got emmmm.


Lmaoooo dude IHU

Why didn’t you FaceTime me last night smh

ok that was hilarious LOL boxers dont know how to pvp

You’re right, boxers don’t know how to PvP. Glad you could admit that yourself. :slight_smile:


Oooof so true

I got multiple times glad friend, who wpvps just as much as I do who would disagree with you.

Wouldn’t need to multibox if they knew how to PvP. I don’t believe it lol.

If youre a multiboxer you don’t know how to PvP. Fight me.

So if I deciede to multi box I suddenly don’t know how to pvp?
That’s some logic.

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But I know you wouldn’t multibox, because you don’t need to. You know how to PvP. :))

Hate to break it to you, but I multi boxed dks in WoD. All my usual suspects for Wpvp backup dried up with the release of the turd that was WoD, I was playing horde (I am a glutton for punishment) and was tired of the constant 1vX so made a multi boxer for the times I couldn’t do it on my monk with those groups that want to crush you with numbers,

You didn’t stick to it though, and I didn’t know you in WoD so can’t say whether or not you were a good player back then. I definitely was not a good player back in WoD and have no shame in admitting it.

Just find creative ways to kill them, find a mass one shot like I do and 200 iq that crap.