Awww.... /whistle was nerfed đŸ˜„

It’s good to see Void Elves step forward to take a firm stand against justice, because at least we know where Void Elves stand. Well, when they’re not hiding something by keeping their profile hidden, anyway.

What do you call someone who works to end justice, girls?

Im glad it changed as an older male its good for all men including kids to learn that whistling at women like dogs is a bad thing.

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It doesn’t surprise me, honestly. Everything is offensive nowadays. Every facet of the entertainment industry is being invaded by SJWs who are permanently offended. Before long, every movie, show, game, song, painting will be completely soulless and devoid of any emotion or feeling. It’ll basically be like that gutted out “Christmas play” in the episode of South Park, where they removed everything that might be offensive, and it just ended up being a completely dead and pointless production.

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No, it’s a pointless and unnecessary change

meanwhile you can still /spit on other players. I cannot fathom how whistle has to go but spit gets to stay and I fear they may be coming for the /flirts next

I used to whistle at all the people who I thought had nice transmogs. I’m sad I can’t do that anymore. Please bring back the old whistle :cry:

I find Ion offensive
can we remove him?

When I think of the future
 I feel only dread

Offend? No, but it was super creepy. Your usage indicates how so.

I don’t quite agree with removing it, they could have made a separate emote perhaps.

But remember
as an orc you can still express your surprise by shouting about a former warchief’s gonads.

we now have equality. you can use the new whistle to whistle at everyone like a dog. =]

They’ve even gone back through previous events and judging those with today’s extreme views and censoring what is intolerable for the SJWs. A national news service in Australia recently had an article along these lines trying to educate people. A good read.

I was never offended by the whistle. No-one was whistling at me, it was my character. And almost always it was by a friend admiring my latest mog efforts. You can’t give offence, you can only choose to take it. I choose not to more often than not, and I don’t see an issue here at all.

If removing things because some people feel intimidated by them is what you call justice, then

I’m so proud of this community

Funny thing is I bet the people getting worked up over this have likely never had someone flatter them by whistling at them in real life. I never understood the whole drive for it being deemed offensive, pretty uplifting honestly because it implies you’re catching some eyes. I always viewed it as the same as when someone compliments your appearance in general, it’s a positive.

If you get upset just walk away.

Yeah no. As a self-described older male shouldn’t this be beneath you? Removing the whistle sounds like something a bored reactionary intern would suggest at a dev meeting. The last time I used the old whistle was at a male orc. Was I degrading him? Why do you assume it’s only directed at women? And you wolf whistled at dogs? What?

It is usually aimed at women in RL it is usually aimed at females in game. And why as an older male should this be beneath me? Being self aware and aware of others isn’t beneath anyone. The answer is yes, its a superficial response to show approval of aesthetics. And no obviously no one (in their right mind, though Im sure there are some sadly) wolf whistles a dog
 but to whistle at a person for any reason is like whistling an animal, this is 2019 not 1950, and that should be seen as progress for equality.

I’m offended by the amount of people who are offended over my train.

puts it down in a nice, hidden spot
choo choo chumps

This changes nothing to be completely honest with you, it doesn’t add any additional weight to your argument.

So instead of proving your maturity by just not partaking in the action and choosing to not comment. . . you instead sacrifice that high ground to look like a subservient male to the Social Justice mindset. So in your quest to prove how mature you are, you find yourself griping over the implications by the tone of a whistle and how that is offensive as if the person isn’t capable of defending themselves.

It would appear as gamers we traded in our two liters of mountain dew for two liters of soy. There was nothing to enforce inequality about a whistle or the mere act of finding someone attractive. Especially heaven forbid at a PIXELATED IMAGE THAT IS NOT YOU. The only way I could imagine being offended by a whistle would be if it was entirely directed at other people and I never received any. However that offense would be due not to the whistle but the implied appearance deficit between me and the people receiving constant whistles that I’d witness.

Maybe it’s because I never bought into the lunacy of these preposterous proposals given I was born male but since transitioning the past few years I’ve found nothing more exciting for me than compliments. I’ve never understood how people saw it as negative feedback, for me it’s pure bliss to be indirectly told I can catch some eyes.


Because priorities. There was never a mass outrage or hysteria over it prior. It was stealth nerfed with no explanation as to why. There are complaints on a litany of things on the same topic, day after day, from flying to outdated character models to the Azerite system. None get much improvement or implementation and removing a video game wolf whistle that was largely a non-issue is not a big step in the right direction - it’s trivial. Who does this satisfy exactly and when/where do we stop removing things? Which emote is next? Does this actually make women feel safer in a video game or just you?

The question is why does it mean so much for it to remain? If its not important then why worry its gone?

So saying nothing is better than voicing an opinion
 interesting. I was in no way affected by it being there, nor am I now its gone. But if it made others feel better, than good for them :slight_smile:

Actually, it’s more to imply “don’t act like because you don’t partake in some behaviors that you’re better because you’re just as pathetic on the other side of the spectrum.”

It’s like all the people who were going off on “LUL LOOK AT TOXIC MALES OFFENDED BY A GILLETTE AD!” and acting like they were more mature, only for them to then lose their minds because a kid had the audacity to smirk wearing a MAGA hat.