Awful Era changes

People are also free to their opinions. Mine is im annoyed at the baseless threats they give blizz about unsubbing when these same people use retail gold to buy gametime… they were never subbed to begin with.

Is it ONLY CMs that has their profile hidden? If so, it’s very interesting.

Seems they moved only 27 posts, rest were purged and only the original starter post stays in the locked thread. I think this is a bad idea. Why delete some of the comments? None of them were - as far as I remember - against the forum rules.


I mean you look at censorship in china and tell me what blizz is doing here isn’t the same thing. They are trying to force a back peddle to save face in some way.

Course any mention of china the comment just gets deleted and the user banned for 7 days… already happened to me 3 times and the other 2 times i only mentioned the damn place for context and not to be insulting.

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This ^ /10char

I too think so.

Go play retail, Era is not for you.

No, anybody can hide their profile. I’ve noticed a lot of notorious trolls do it too.

I don’t use ignore too often but when I have a particularly negative interaction with someone and am consider putting them on ignore, I often check their post history. I’m looking to determine if this is just a one off thing where we hit each other the wrong way on that day or if the particular person is generally aggressive, confontational, or insulting.

Some of these folks have a hidden profile and I just put them on ignore immediately. There’s only been 1-2 like this but there’s no way those folks are CMs, lol.


Hehe, thank you. I also have a very exclusive ignore list.


I almost stopped participating here after one of my posts was removed, it was a sincere thought and certainly not trolling in any way.


I’ve had one post get flagged for auto moderation and taken down just because it was something people didn’t want to hear. I had the audacity to suggest that SoD experiment with disabling logs to see what changes that had on player behaviour. As you might expect people lost their minds. It got restored after a few days though and for the most part this is ok, but it is mildly upsetting that you can have a post taken down, even temporarily, because people don’t agree with it. I think that’s maybe giving too much power to the masses.

I have had a post removed that I don’t feel should have been though. Like, for the life of me, I have no idea. The moderation team decided it was trolling but I couldn’t find anything wrong with it and I do try really hard to be objective about stuff like that. I even had a few good friends (who don’t even play WoW) review it and they couldn’t come up with a reason why. Which is a bit frustrating because Blizzard is always really light on the reasoning behind it, usually not even offering any explanation or context at all. You’re getting a slap on the wrist without any insight into why.

So I definitely feel you here.

It’s hard because the forum community is just as much a part of my gaming community as any guild I’ve been a part of in game over the years. In some ways we spend a lot more time with each other. Every community has its bad eggs but when that bad egg is a faceless moderator that you don’t interact with, it can feel a bit… I dunno, disheartening? Maybe that’s not the word I’m looking for but I’m not sure which to use at the moment.


And yet Blizz says they value guild relationships and interactions.
My aunt Fanny.

I’m sorry this has happened for you, Quickening.
Wish you good times wherever gaming takes you.
If you want to remain in Classic Era, I cannot recommend Legacy (Alliance) or Requiem (Horde) both on Grobbulus Era more highly.
Best of luck to you.


The fact this has stayed here for 14h disproves your comparison.

I dont understand your comment.
Why would i play “all changes every xpac” retail, when i am opposed to changes in ERA and was an active ERA player?

no probably not. a lot of their devs have gone on record to say they prefer their twitter safe spaces. where they can safely ignore any feedback. being told they’re wrong greatly upsets them im told.


Because they know that if they do it again it’ll bring question to the real reason they are doing it.

The first time it happened simply people just mass flagged it as trolling which half of the comment was trolling so thats fair but the punishment wasn’t.

14 hours is short compared to how long the other posts stayed. May take a couple days but it gets done… Im just waiting for it at this point but doesnt disprove my point. They are practically on holiday and preparing for war within prepatch than worry about the drama we have right now.

I think what you are asking for never existed in classic- A static game that doesn’t change.

The truth is- this game has always changed. The devs were constantly updating things during the creation of classic.(in the 2000’s)

To pick a specific version of the game and keep it that way forever, wasn’t what classic was.

I would say that this game needs more QOL changes

Yet? I suppose we need room for a bunch of unnecessary trash from a limited shop (it’s just a new feature guys)

An RPG is all about making choices. They are, yet again, drifting away from what an RPG is about. Needs a separate client for seasons and keep that crap out of Era/hardcore.

You QOL folks already have versions with changes. Go play them already.


thank you asma

my main is alliance mankrik and its very active but im still a little upset about losing friends ive been playing with since early 2020

i have 5-6 weeks worth of game time left im doing a fresh start on horde mankrik my own hardcore challenge with no mods and level 60 alts to help

its nothing like the alliance population but i havent played horde yet and they seem laid back which i like overall its been okay but i think i will let my account run out

if i still feel like going on i will check out grob alliance ty again


Private servers did this for the first month (IIRC, don’t troll if it was slightly different) and it was fun to see who could get the kills in before that timeline.

And WCL added a category for non-WBs for a reason to help cater to people that are supportive of this. That is great. But the number of raids without WBs versus with statistically shows the majority of players enjoy them.