Awful Era changes

Only you said “everything should be changed”. What I’m saying is there are minor adjustments that still need to be made that allows the player to be far more creative with Class and Talents when Raiding. Debuf limit should have never been a thing in the first place. I’d have never personally asked for Rend Buff but it isn’t hurting anybody including you.

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these aint even the first changes in era, why are you crying now?

i dont have to spend my life out in the barrens getting backfires on multiple chars now, ill miss dodging the pvp but ive never got got at wcb so still nothing lost…

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I’m a no changes guy as well. A lot of us are here for nostalgia and playing a game that is challenging and endless as it is. We don’t need QOL, feature, UI, balance, etc changes. We like the game and are playing it in it’s current iteration. Please consider rolling back this patch and going hands off in the future. Also, why isn’t SOD partitioned from classic? The point of SOD was to be different and experiment in game breaking ways. Isn’t that the use case for a partition? Do better or do nothing please.


amen, vanilla classic era is our haven


There are reasons to push back against changes, no matter how small. As long as you realize that it’s not the first change that should have been pushed back against with Blizzard’s “balance” lust.

Small changes end up as mountains, over time.

I’m actually really glad that people who haven’t historically taken a stance are rightfully doing so.


I’ve seen this quoted elsewhere, and I think it’s worth quoting here.


Kinda annoyed seeing these so called “my friends” arguments that goes into a threat of “unsubbing”… Its like every other comment has this statement and its been this way since the chronoboon update… yet here we are, still going.

We’ll live without your loud minority threats. This isnt what they care about, if they cared about subs they wouldn’t allow you to buy gametime with retail gold lol.

So do us all a favor and tuck your tails in-between your legs and waddle your butts right on out with the unsub button. It doesn’t hurt blizz in the slightest. It just hurts the community. So try to think before making baseless threats.

The only thing challenging in vanilla is the iQ of other players…

I’d very much like to see a top naxx guild from era complete CE in retail these days. If we are to compare what challenging really is lol

You’re mostly right here - alo you forgot the guild and social UI changes - but there’s one big error in your title. It should read: Patch 1.15.3 is the latest step towards running Era to the ground.


They don’t listen to forums but they will listen to peoples wallets when people unsub.


ngl, loved the changes to era.
Keep them coming.


They are. They’ll just never admit it.


Removing the debuff limit would actually be lit.


A Shadow Priest

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They check, they’ve been consolidating and pulling down posts.


Irrick, I think it’s worth stepping back and considering the larger perspective here.

For these changes, individually, they’re not actually the end of the world. Like, I play a Druid, having polearms is only a good thing for me! It’s not a super useful thing, but at least I have a few more weapon options that I didn’t have before. I’m indifferent to the guild pane (though really I did think the old one was a bit cleaner for what I needed), and the Might of Stormwind buff is only a positive for me as an Alliance player.

The problem isn’t the actual changes themselves, it’s the fact that there are changes at all. People signed on to play Classic Era, as it was in 2019. That’s what they created their characters for and that’s what a lot of people further invested money for clones to support. They wanted that 1.12 version of the game and that’s what Blizzard effectively told them they were going to get. They did not sign up for Classic: Reforged.

So while I do think some of these changes are good changes, if I’m doing my best to be impartial, they really don’t belong in Era. If Blizzard wants to make these changes I feel like they need another realm, one where I’d probably want to play, but still one that is separate. Some folks just wanna play the original game, as it was, and as Blizzard told them it would be.

I’m not dumping on you here and I’m certainly not in support of #nochanges as a whole, my post history more than speaks to that. However, the longer I play Classic Era the more I realize it really is something unique. There’s just nowhere else I can go right now in order to get this same experience. Blizzard is demonstrating that they’re willing to make changes to that experience without taking into consideration the community of players who support it. I find that concerning. If you enjoy this version of the game, you should find that concerning as well.


First post, zero activity before or since.

Why do the same 1-2 people feel the need to hop on alts and post the same crap, and then have conversations with themselves in the thread. Its endless comments from ppl with 5-10 posts all time lololol.

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so you dont want to quit and your response is to be annoyed at the people who do

i dont think anyone is forced to post or read posts here.

i dont know about other peoples guilds but mine died this past week over these changes. i know blizz and most people dont care but someone does


its called Classic ERA for a reason you 2heads


would be different if it was not a downgrade… new thing is trash bro

Not a fan of these post consolidations… it confuses the conversations a lot of people are having by losing the topic and having it interleaved into a single one.

These topics aren’t hurting anybody and they are a much needed vent for a lot of players. I’m not sure why you feel the need for this heavy handed moderation.