AWC Spring Cup #1

Holy hell that opener

I pour water on ziqos soul :potable_water::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

Ziqo is sleeping just as much as I am on these games

They should just bring back battle fatigue to negate dampening games.

The fact that players actually got topped at 61% dampening is just too much. The meta is way too slow. Damage across the board needs to be higher. Bring other healers to resto druid level too. But buff dps a ton.


Tbh this tourney, at least in my eyes is pretty embarrassing from a dev PoV, hopefully they take action with all these dampening games and do some huge changes.


imagine complaining about double melee, now everyone is stuck with this.


Double melee has been an issue in the past, but at least when double melee is an issue its entertaining to watch, where as double caster just influences a dampening “don’t use any control unless someone on our team is dying” playstyle.


Tfw RMX games go into dampen omegalul.

Double anything is sign meta sucks.

Actually embarrassing how Meta can eat every cs toss out one or two clones a game and run around in bear form doing nothing until 30% damp.


Just make all healers default to RDruid. Rubcub was awesome though big clap for him.

No, this will make the whole game slower.

Adjust rdruid heals, fine tune the dmg for underperforming specs, slash the self/off-heals by 50% for dps/hybrids and the game pace will be really different.

I feel like watching double caster hasn’t been this boring in awhile. I normally enjoy it, trading CDs, CCs. Maybe it’s just because of BfA, or maybe I’m not remembering correctly, but I always found it entertaining until this cup.

Ill be honest I am tired of Mage and Rogue in three’s. I would like to see mail classes make it to the end, Shaman or Hunter.


Someone is being a hater… but anyways. Resto Druids have been waaaaaaaay overtuned since season 2. How many mail classes make it to final rounds?

Mage feeds enemy team 11 polymorphs because he can’t watch Dark Sim on his debuffs and they win the game anyway.

Good example of why RMX is ridiculous.


Nope, the buff came couple weeks ago. For how long Rshamans, Sin, DHs, Enhancement, Mages, MW, etc were OP during S1? Hell, some of them are still super strong until today…

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In Legion, we had arena tournaments where all healers were represented and they weren’t putting their teams at a disadvantage.

In this BFA tournament, your team gets criticized by the commentators for not running with an OP rdruid.

S1 was Holy Paladin and Priest. You were nerfed for one season. Really bringing up RShaman… that is why most of them rerolled at launch because of the same excuse Blizzard has always gave. Well… wait and see when they get so and so stat. You can not wait and see or your fighting from behind.

S1 was Pal/War the stun hammer was strong. Reason it was nerfed in before season 2. Anyways dh and monk were not around. RDruids are to strong and something has to give. I would prefer to see tanks duke it out then to watch druids running around pillars.