AWC Spring Cup #1

I mean looks like they’re out of ideas. RPS is a great rdruid punishing comp… doesn’t work vs RLD (they were only able to punish a rdruid who’s actually 100x better because Flop was playing a comp that has to get CC, but when Rdruid can just afk and be a mobile Rsham it’s just way too hard to create win conditions).

Mistakes don’t matter enough. TSG worked better as 3x alts, but still didn’t get a win. Thugcleave seems like desperation, but maybe better than shadowpriest

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I can hear meta yelling “I’m sitting everything”

Ohh my ptsd

Maldiva was the MVP on the last game.

SV Rogue proven to not be able to punish an alt rdruid, even with the best SV hunter, Rogue, and Shaman to ever touch the game. Just a l2p issue

wow, your whining is at epic levels, have you been this vocal about MW the last couple months?

Maldiva won that match. Seriously, almost every setup was countered by double coils + fears.

Meta isn’t known for his Druid play. Idk why you’re so keen on defending druid even when every single player calls them op. MW got nerfed so you can stop it haha


yeah he has and so has everyone else


I was actually, I’m vocal no matter what’s broken. But I don’t even think nerfs are needed, game is just way too slow so you can’t punish huge mistakes.

It’s half the reason MW was so broken anyways because if they didn’t die in a go no one would die and since damage was so low they never died in a go.

I don’t know why you’re enjoying games where the the absolute best of their class hands down playing comps that on paper actually should be able to counter a spec (i.e RPS is well designed to punish resto druids), cannot beat a healer who hasn’t even been relevant as a top tier healer on his main class for years, defeating them with an alt that again literally on paper should lose if the pacing of the game is proper in any way.

2400s should beat 2200 players. Gladiators should beat duelists. Tourney players should beat R1s, and the absolute best in the world should not be losing to just a Rank 1 alt who might be better than 99% of players but still are not on the level of that team. Pacing is the issue because the mistakes that could be made are unpunishable. It is wrong to watch and makes spectator PoV horrible.


thats fair, agreed

The move on triple alts actually broke my heart.

That’s when you know something is wtong though tbh. Game needs some big changes


Why do you hate metaphors

if you’re taking what he said literally you’re saying metaphors isn’t an r1 player and pika/jelly/asbterge/wizk aren’t tourn players?

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so well put turbo ego ur so so wise

people aren’t force to play the OP classes… just cuz its op doesnt mean play it. lol

This comment has to come from a male night elf doesnt it? LUL
yeah you dont have to play the OP class when youre playing a money tournament, obviously not putting you in a disadvantage hehehehe

I don’t but he’s simply not on the same level as their team. He’s known best for playing Rsham years ago and realistically hasn’t had much success afterwards. It’s not even like he’s winning with his main class… it’s his random alt lol.

Then factor in that on paper RPS is actually quite fantastic against Resto Druids. Two purges, lots of CC, fantastic swapping potential. Then factor in that you have the best RPS to touch the game. And they can’t beat an alt druid because the game is too slow. As a team best known for optomizing their main classes, resto druid is so broken they felt convinced to play 3 alts… sad to see from a spectator PoV.

There are differences between R1 players and Tourney players. It wasn’t like there was huge improvement in play on Rdruid and thst’s why their team was there. If they made it in as RLS instead I’d be moe impressed but that was just silly to watch especially if you consider what it took in upper bracket for them to lose (failing defensively for 2 minutes straighg most games). It’s obvious he’s not on the same level of mastery as his opponents, just better than a good part of the playerbase.

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Thought he was kinda a toxic dude back in Cata just from the things he said on stream. Not really sure what he’s like now.

EU and NA Top 4 starting in 10 minutes:

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