Ok I’m actually so surprised that even at 60% dampening it hasn’t even looked close to being possible to seeing a cross kill in these games. You would think with dampening at that point everyone would be panicking and in trouble but the second a dps is gone all hope of a kill is immediately lost.
This dampening cup is so exciting.
I think the solution to everyone’s problems is to nerf Disc priest some more because of how well they are doing in world pvp.
You know the game is designed badly when a wwdk goes to high dampening against an RLD
Are they still allowed to use addons during these online arena cups?
I think it’s a bit odd that Blizzard bans addons during the LAN tournaments, so comps like RMD become a lot harder to play without their DR trackers.
(Plus Blizzard lets the MDI competitors use addons so viewers can watch them compete at their best.)
Update: Even at 74% dampening a cross kill looks unrealistic. Something is very, very wrong.
There better be major changes after this joke. Every game to at least 40% damp, every team with resto druids. You can even hear in the casters voices how embarrassing this is.
Sad because last year was really fun to watch and they are obviously trying to capitalize on it. The even more obnoxious part is that this occurs in spite of broken maledict trinkets.
It would be impossible to lose as a resto druid if maledicts didn’t exist honestly. I knew this would happen though but so many resto druids thought I was crazy when I was trying to say this is the exact kind of thing that would have happened with the tournament with those huge resto druid buffs. But whatever, leave the buffs in and just increase everyones damage because if you just think about the fact that with 75% reduced healing and even a healing reduction from a WW it is still relatively easy for a druid to keep his team alive just because of how imbalanced the ratio is from damage to healing. DPS don’t do enough damage, and WW is actually one of the highest DPS melee specs in the game.
Rogue/Mage is really the only thing that can end games quickly… otherwise it’s just not happening. And even rogue mage wants resto druids.
More SUSTAINED damage please.
It’s not really an improvement if people don’t do damage untill they push their get schwiffy with it macro and 1shot somebody.
The change to destro locks where they moved dmg out of infernal and into baseline bolt was the right sort of step. We just need… more of that to more classes.
They should nerf rdruid healing output by like 5% or so, remove Nourish and make Cyclone baseline.
Nerfing Rdruid healing output isn’t going to prevent these games from going to 76% dampening, sustained damage just needs to be way up dude. Resto druids were good before any of the buffs happened because the game pacing was this slow, which is what high rated players were trying to freak out about before the changes went live but plenty of people on these forums had no idea. Just keep resto druid viable but buff everyones damage - the game is sadly disgustingly slow.
Maybe so, but I still think Nourish spam is extremely poor design and should be removed, Cyclone should be made baseline and have its cost reduced possibly so that you actually have to Cyclone to not fall behind, it’s such an iconic spell to the Druid class and I have no idea why they even made it a talent, that’s like forcing mages to talent into polymorph, or warlocks to talent into fear. Just poor design.
Feral affinity won that game for Gorecki and crew, as I said
Agreed for sure
Aside from terrible sustained damage as Dilly said and a horrible meta, just remember the days of MoP when Blizzcon featured Three Amigos (Venruki/Snutz/Cdew) MLS vs. I believe it was Skill Capped Godcomp (Nolifer/Talbytree/Zunniyaki). Some awesome and really entertaining wizard vs. wizard gameplay. Then compare that to this.
Thugonomicz is coming in.
Edit: Wow… That was like one of the fastest wins of the tournament.
Aoe permanent demo tongues pressing instant chaos waves?
Are you trying to tell me S12 MLS wasn’t the highest skillcap comp to ever win Blizzcon?
Didn’t snutz not play any of the mop yet and ven told him what spec to play a few days before the tourney?
Well, I guess we’ll see if there are any PvP balance changes next week.