How am I biased when literally every top player and the players playing rdruids in these tourneys agree how stupid they are? Lol. The only way rdruids get punished is by rogues and even then they are not even getting punished nearly hard enough. It took pikaboo being in a huge dominating position as one of the best teams in the entire world vs just a top of the ladder team.
It’s like comparing my jungle who was top of the ladder last season. Does that somehow mean we’re the best jungle in the world? No, because ladder and tournament play are entirely different anyways.
Rogues are BARELY able to punish rdruids and rogues are the definition of a class built around punishing. Obviously nothing else comes anywhere close.
If you want this level of forgiveness to top people everyone should be able to crush you for failure instantly too. Simple as that.
Also no pve trinkets in this tournament otherwise rdurids would live even longer…
Games were like 80% damp on TR with them
So, if rogues are the counters for resto druids, there is a good number comps that can counter rdruid comps: SV+Rogue, SP+Rogue, RMx, Lock+Rogue, the list goes on, right? And we all have seen some of those comps doing quite well against rdruid teams in the last couple days.
In your mind, what should be the end goal in terms of perfect balance? Every comp being able to counter any other comp, independent of class/spec? Or, strong comps being countered by other specific/strong comps? How this is so different from what happened in the past in terms of class/comp balance?
But here we are, seeing teams winning with Disc Priests, Resto Shamans, Holy Paladins, etc. If RDruids were OP to stupid levels, like you are saying, why we are not seeing more resto druids? If that was true, I would expect to see the same amount of Rdruids as we saw for Resto Shamans and MWs on the last tournament. Why top players would risk to play a tournament using an underperforming healer?
That was absolutely necessary, not only rdruids would be living forever if those were allowed.
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I agree with this 100%. Been sitting back and cautiously contemplating games, and this is exactly what I have deduced from the games. There is absolutely little to no punishment with setups against any resto druid comps, and it feels like every team gets punished by dampening only for the most part. This is what makes me feel that none of the changes coming in for classes PvP-wise are significant. The gravity of setups feel excessively nullified. Why? Idk maybe resto druid teams are somehow impervious to majority of these setups due to their outstanding heals, or dps classes just don’t have the potential to really trigger cooldowns even with appropriate strategies implemented… God, this makes me want to erase every developer from working at Blizzard who was involved in making these preposterous changes.
did you not see disc in first part of BfA? or Rshaman…or MW for the last couple months?
Only one spec being able to punish people is not a good thing more than just having a rogue is necessary, realistically it’s going to be rogue destro, spriest, or mage that you play. Two of those also ideally want a rdruid anyways. SV Rogue isn’t going to be played with Assassination so it’s not going to be possible to be useful against Rdruids anyways, but that’s not even the point.
Isn’t it obvious that the entire meta shouldn’t literally be you play rdruid or just hope you have a rogue on your team to win silly? Like I’m not even trying to be rude but I seriously feel like this is pretty simple what I even proposed, I didn’t even say nerf Rdruid I just said let every DPS be better at closing out games and you can also buff healers so games are quick back and forth. Ideal balance obviously would be that you have multiple top tier comps with other combinations of classes. I should still be able to watch a good rdruid team play. It doesn’t mean that the rdruid games have to be just default dragging games on forever, let them be good but the game pace much faster.
We’ve had plenty of metas where you could have diverse comp styles and classes work instead of just being limited to one specific strategy. The game seriously needs to stop being a dartboard of hoping your comps are broken and then not seeing anyone play for a bit. Not getting to see Chanimal play Warlock at Blizzcon or Chunli play WW at Blizzcon is disappointing and if you think I’m trying to suggest you shouldn’t watch people play their very best classes you are sadly mistaken.
The game pace just needs to be faster across the board. Good players will deal with that. I wholeheartedly believe if I am in a match and I make a mistake I deserve to almost entirely lose on the spot and the same for my opponents and that makes the game exciting when you have a back and forth game where people are making very limited mistakes. But when punish potential is low you have games where good players are dealing with players they severely outclass and having their time wasted - or even worse when it’s two good teams vs each other playing very well then the games just go into deep dampening and no one gets a kill opportunity.
It’s undisputed Resto Druids are overpowered and every single player playing them agrees or playing with them agrees its silly in these tournaments. What I’m suggesting is that it’s fine if we have healers at that level of strength if DPS are able to also punish and kill very quickly too. Let healers have good recovery, and DPS have fantastic finishing potential to so games aren’t just reliant on CDs or just hitting a brick wall forever. It’s the most exciting way to play and still lets multiple comp types be diverse. Fail a CC chain? Too bad your target is alive. Fail to break up a CC chain or peel in the go? Too Bad you deserve to lose. That’s how things should play out imo. But even then if they don’t go that route then it should still be on the same level, you just can’t have some specs in a different tier than others entirely when it comes to recovery potential yet have everyone else be so weak otherwise it’s obnoxious to deal with.
Rdruids can only dampen because of nourish. Theyd lose in mana to every healer except disc without it. Don’t even know why you wrote all that when nobodys disputing Rdruids being OP anyway.
Nerf the nourish playstyle heavily
Or back the 10% nerf to all healing even though hots barely do anything
The problem is that there are idiots that would prefer the 2nd choice. I’ll gladly take any nerf that isn’t a dumb blanket nerf. Nerf ironbark, swiftmend, or whatever you have to do. I’m playing a Hot class though so I’d like my hots to do their full healing thanks.
I agree on this, adjust the other classes to bring them to the same level and increase the kill potential. But we all know what is going to happen: nerf hammer! Because going back to the drawing board to start doing things right is too expensive and shareholders don’t like expensive things…
Agree with you, that’s why I was upset last tournament, no resto druids were in there… and all the top resto druids were playing other healers. The only one who made to the tournament (Pen and Paper) gave up on Rdruid after the first round.
Don’t get me wrong, I hate the current rdruid playstyle, I wish I could push-in for CCs or DMG and assist with kills or setups, but our current estate doesn’t allow that kind of playstyle.
Now that part of the nerfs from Sep 2018 were reverted, Blizz should look again in how Nourish works because the changes on Nourish came after those nerfs. Nourish is what is supporting this dumb playstyle. Our hots alone can’t keep people alive and we will have to either spam Regrowths (in the past) or Nourish (now). Add on top of that the improvements on mastery brought by the new tier of gear and the procs/enchants that increases our haste and boom: you have a resto druid casting Nourish under 1.4 sec… and healing for a ton.
Remove Nourish, buff HoTs, make Clone baseline and reduce its cost, make rdruids be rdruids again.
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Just keep rdruids the same buff damage enough so people can get punished for failure would be more exciting tbh.
Just let healers be OP and make DPS OP as well vs having everyone feeling nerfed.
When everybody is OP, nobody is OP.
I agree to a point but I’m playing w/o nourish and it’s fine but yeah nourish does carry hard in deep damp.
And the problem with hots being strong is it makes Druid even more annoying. Need to find a balance between hots being too strong and hard casting being obnoxious.
I’d like a 10% revert with clone baseline and lowering clone mana cost
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MoP s15 says otherwise. Nearly all classes were OP (in their own way) in late MoP and it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable and balanced seasons WoW has had. And still there were some comps that were OP, but still beatable with good coordinated setup play.
Wait do you use efflorescence now?? Idk how to heal
Is it efflorescence? The mushroom on the ground doofer thing
Warlocks are basically immovable … drop one on his feet for extra hot (mastery). It heals for almost nothing itself, but increases the healing bonus from harmony.
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watching game now…no way The Move wins without some cc on Meta…if Absterge goes feral aff they win this
If he does that Nessper will break him in half.
It’s always been mana efficient and it got buffed. It’s a no brainer to use on a Warlock or Spriest.
The game is just fun in that case, i.e end of MoP or WoTLK
I love watching good rdruids play but it’s actually embarassing to see metaphorest force the move to play triple alts…
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Now they are just back on their mains…