Place your bets on the soon to be worst ever awc. Oneshotpalooza
Don’t think anything will ever top BfA where it was just game after game of mages casting gpy and nobody dying until deep deep damp.
Your photoshops are great man. I love the Easter eggs in them.
Kennie being in the image kills me
hey man at least there’s decent variety in which wizard you pair with your sub rogue
like fire boomkin, glyph of stars, blue boomkin, that one team that plays rpx, and the eu rmx only players
I could make more but doing it is time consuming since my new job has me for 12-14 hrs a day lmao
Quality> quantity.
I don’t think awc will be too bad. I imagine we see a lot of sub rdru destro and hopefully it procs tuning for the 3
Just waiting for rdruid duo frost mage. Its bound to happen
Only in your nightmares bubba
Can’t wait for kalvish to win with boomie, killing people in opener.
Knowing the current meta that nightmare do be knocking on my door soon
AWC, should be renamed to BWC, Boosters World Championship lol!
Going to be nothing but Boomy/lock/mage/ele/SP and the same 3 RMPs and the 1 random jungle that refuse to accept the comp is boring despite every hunter/feral playing it for the last 11 years.
fire chmkn wins.
Best comps in the game are melee cleaves but we’ll see. Also sub rogues exist
I’ll be genuinely surprised if a melee cleave is even played in the finals.
Probably see some in the earlier rounds though.
A lot of teams are practicing variations of DK/Melee comps.
You’ll probably see DK/Sub played on EU.
But AWC will 100% be dominanted by lock & ele wizard cleaves.
I am sure we will see DK/WW/Sub combos, but no way a good triangle cleave is losing.